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Prompt: "I'm a monster." and "I don't want to lose you too."

Warnings: angst but kinda fluffy ending?

Word count: 565

Your head hurt, as you slowly came to your senses, tied to a chair in a pitch black room. You knew that entering The Scarecrow's territory had been a bad idea, but you had to see him. You had to see Jonathan.

Your last memory of him was he was lying in that hospital bed, being scared of even you. He saw only monsters around him, the fear toxin fresh in his body. He didn't see you trying to hold his hand, he saw a scarecrow trying to cut his hand off. He was scared of you, his best friend.

You had seen from the television that he was taller and had gotten much older now. You had to see him and hearing he has occupied a territory of his own in Gotham, you swallowed your slowly growing fear and walked all the way there. Almost immediately after you had entered the territory, you were knocked unconscious, someone had been waiting for you in the shadows.

And now you were there, sitting in that dark room where you were all alone - or so you thought.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" a voice asked, and you flinched. It was distorted, robotic, but it was him. He came to the light and had his costume on, he had a new personality, a new life - and you weren't part of it anymore. He came to stand over you, cutting you loose, knowing you well enough to know you wouldn't attack him.

You stared at him, trying to find a flicker of the old him from his eyes, searching for his gaze, but he was busy with cutting the ropes which tied you in that chair. "I wanted to see you, Jonathan."

He finished cutting the ropes and let you stand up from the chair. "I'm not Jonathan anymore. I'm The Scarecrow. Or in your world I'm a monster." he spoke in a monotonic voice, almost scary. "And I was always meant to be this way."

He turned to leave, but was stopped by you grabbing his arm.

"Please, listen to me. I don't want to lose you too. We both have lost people we love - you're all I have." you pleaded, but that had no effect. You swallowed your tears. "At least let me see your face one last time. I want to see my childhood friend, not the person he became."

He sighed, before he turned to face you, and took off his mask. You were met with eyes staring coldly at you and he had painted the area around his eyes black, making him look unrecognizable even without his mask. He cocked his head at you, and you slowly lifted your hand to his cheek. His eyes glanced at your hand, but he let you touch his face anyway.

"What happened to you?" you whispered and leaned forwards to press your forehead against his. He was clearly surprised that you were still willing to give such affection to him after all these years, but he didn't back up.

"I became my fear." he answered, but his voice was much quieter now.

You let a tear fall upon realizing there was no going back for him, as you whispered, "I miss you."

Silence filled the room when you said that, but soon you felt a hand taking a hold of yours.

"I miss you too."

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