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- You met when you literally crashed with him as you had just broken up with your ex. You had tears streaming down from your eyes and you walked with a fast pace, not being able to pay attention to the road.

- He was furious at first when everything he (or his men) was carrying was now spread all around the pavement. He told you to watch where you were going as you were collecting everything together again as you apologized again and again and again.

- But he calmed down as you handed everything back to him and he saw your red and swollen face - he realized you weren't just another ignorant human from around the block, you really were sorry and flustered and you didn't even seem to recognize who Oswald was at first.

- He slowly realized that you had been crying as you crashed into him so he laid a hand on your shoulder and apologized to you for yelling. (His men were puzzled)

- Oswald handed you his card in case you needed someone to talk to. And after he continued on his way, you realized who he was.

- His card haunted in your wallet for a few days, but you still decided to give him a call. Mostly because you still were flustered for crashing into him and possibly breaking some of his things.

- You went to meet him at his club - and that's how everything started. You fell for him.

- It took some months though before you agreed to start dating because well, he's a criminal and he wasn't so sure about dating either at first because of that, because you would be vulnerable to danger.

- But he's teaching you to use a gun - just in case.

- He's always saying how he loves you just the way you are. Regardless you're insecure of your weight or not, he's making nice remarks how good you look on that day.

- How you always make him smile because you're the sunshine of his life.

- And listen: if anyone makes fun of you because of your weight or anything, he's gonna destroy that person.

- He makes it very clear to everyone that if someone is going to make that mistake again, he won't spare any chances to make it hurt.

- But yeah, it's a wordless agreement that no one will make fun of you if they know who your boyfriend is, everyone knows how protective Oswald is of you.

- He's laying beside you after a tiring day - he loves to feel you stroking his hair as he reads a book. He sometimes reads it aloud to you.

- His voice calms you down, too.

- Nicknames aren't his piece of cake - after all he originally hated being called Penguin. So you don't have nicknames for each other. He's Penguin at work and for the city, for you he's Oswald or sometimes Ozzie if you wanna tease him a bit.

- When you started dating, you kinda were insecure that Oswald could get some laughs at himself because he's so small and skinny and you're plus-size, but you learned that Oswald doesn't care of your size, because his love could come in all sizes and he'll still love them.

- So even if there was some laughing at you, you learned not to care - Oswald loves you, all of you, and that's all that matters.

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