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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsasz and Barbara Kean


Oswald Cobblepot

- He supports you to have all the latest and best equipment for vlogging, and he might give you a little follower boost at the beginning of your career - he knows you love vlogging so much you want a job out of it, so he's making sure your dreams come true. And even though very first of your followers were there guided by Oswald, people became interested in your videos and soon you had enough followers to become a professional vlogger for Youtube. When Oswald is a mayor, he might make random appearances in your videos and tell people about you and his career. At one point, you had a series called "Mayor Monday" which meant that Oswald made an appearance in every video which came on Monday.

Also, if you receive hate, on anon or not, be sure they'll pay for it with a broken nose next day. If the hate was super mean, they might also have broken legs.

Edward Nygma

- If he does an appearance on your video, he needs two words: riddle videos. Before his time as a Riddler, he had his own day where he told you riddles and you tried to guess the answers - and people loved those videos because they could forward the riddles Ed asked you. And sometimes you livestreamed Ed asking riddles and you watched the comment section if somebody knew the answer - sometimes someone was really good at riddles and that made Ed overjoyed because almost no one ever guesses his riddles.

And if you receive hate, he sends them a message where he "kindly" tells them to leave you alone or he won't guarantee what happens to them. The first sign of the Riddler inside him showed his claws the first time when you received a mean message for the first time. 

Jerome Valeska

- He often jump-scares the crap out of you if you when you're doing a new video and there's a bunch of material where you spit your drink out when he jumps on you. Eventually you successfully jump scared him too, which led to an unexpected change with your YouTuber career. It wasn't meant to happen, but eventually you had a side channel which was called "contagious laughter", where you played pranks on each other. People loved it.

If your main channel receives hate, they'll be dead by the evening. Whether it's a comment where they just say "I don't like your videos, no offense" or something much meaner, they'll be dead and probably also in several places. And also your prank channel haters get killed if the hate comment is about you. If he gets hate, he doesn't mind and just finds it funny, but if someone hurts you, or tries to hurt you - he's automatically on a killing trip. 

Jeremiah Valeska

- Before the gas, he didn't want to be seen in your videos - he didn't want to risk it that Jerome would find him through your videos. You couldn't film your videos in his maze either and you had to make sure that nothing indicating you knew him was seen in your videos. Jeremiah was super neurotic about it - and you understood it, of course.

After the gas he didn't mind if he was seen in your videos, but he didn't make proper appearances in your videos either.

If you receive hate, he tells you to ignore them in both cases - but if the hate really hurts you, his gassed version goes after the hater, appears behind their door and just shoots them without a blink of an eye and his expression blank, before he just walks away. 

Victor Zsasz

- He's often seen in the background loading guns and sometimes he gives a little wave at the camera while you're vlogging. He doesn't participate in your videos, but he might just sit on the couch while drinking something and stare at the camera. Some find it scary while some find it funny. One time on a livestream Q/A you get a lot of comments asking why you're dating an assassin while you're in the bathroom, so Victor just goes to sit by the camera for a bit, gets comments like "wow, he creeps me out with that emotionless stare", and he plays a mock-hurt and says "I'm not scary when I'm alone with Y/N... we assassins have feelings too, y'know?"

You don't get offended easily. If you weren't like that before, you'll learn to be like that with Zsasz. But if you get some hate that actually hurts you, he's paying a little visit to the hater. In other words, he - so calmly that it's unnatural - threatens them that if they won't leave you alone, they'll be messing with him. And after Zsasz lets them run away, he shoots them in their ankle, sending them screaming on the ground. He rolls his eyes and exclaimed, "this is a little taste what you'll get if you mess with a partner of a creepy assassin..." 

Barbara Kean

- Like Oswald, she also makes sure you have everything you need to vlog. She also is your stylist - what you should wear, how your hair should be, how should you decorate your background... and if you use makeup, she's doing it if you just let her. She's a regular visitor in your videos, always pecking your cheek as she passes you and sometimes you make challenges together like "try not to laugh" (you both fail every time), "try not to sing", "try not to get scared" etc.

If you receive hate, Barbara puts on her sharpest heels and you can guess what happens next. A hint: they get a hole in the middle of their hand.

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