Chapter 6

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I pop two Advil in my mouth and chase it with a gulp of water from the glass I found next to my nightstand

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I pop two Advil in my mouth and chase it with a gulp of water from the glass I found next to my nightstand. What happened last night? I haven't had a hangover this bad since.... well since Thursday. I can't continue to drink as if I'm in college. Hangovers are real once you hit your mid-20's and this one is no exception. 

I glance down at my outfit, noticing I never changed from last night. My bare feet hit the cool floor and I walk out to the kitchen to see what kind of damage I did last night coming in. A couple weeks, I flung my heels off and put a hole in the wall so it never hurts the check. I'm met with the sun pouring in through my oversize window, causing my already pounding head to go from manageable to severe. Everything looks okay except for a white note on my countertop. Did I write myself a reminder for an appointment this morning? 


I hope I put everything back where you usually have it. I still think we should talk when you're sober. If you want to, my new number is 239-776-9013. I'm in town until Sunday. 


I gasp and last night starts to come back to me. Bumping into him at the bar, the tequila shots, me throwing an apple at his head, and bawling my eyes out in front of him. I concentrate on my breathing before I go into full fledge hyperventilation. I acted like a real bitch last night but it's not like it wasn't warranted, especially when he brought up that night. I stare at the wall as my mind takes me back to the moment I knew I needed to be done with him.   

Five years ago

I checked the time on my phone for the hundredth time as I sprinted out of the terminal as fast as I could. Mason's game is supposed to end in thirty minutes and according to the GPS his house is thirty-one minutes from the airport. Ugh I knew I should've picked an earlier flight so I wouldn't be cutting it this close. But I'm also broke so I only had so many options which was the last flight from LA to Boston at a whopping ninety-three dollars. 

I push open the red door and search for Mia's car in the designated flight pick-up. Spotting her black Chevy Malibu, I run to her car, my bookbag falling off my shoulder. 

"Hey." I say, breathless and climb in. 

"Let's go! We can't have Mason waiting on his surprise." she says, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"I know. I changed as quick as I could. How do I look?" I ask, pulling down the sun visor to use to world's smallest mirror. The yellow light that came on with it did not flatter my skin one bit but I didn't care. In less than thirty minutes, I'll be back with my boyfriend. Or better yet, underneath him. 

"You look great Lex. Mason's eyes are going to pop out of his head followed by his dick." 

I laugh and concentrate on not poking myself in my eye with the mascara wand. Why didn't I touch up my makeup on the flight? Probably because I was trying to catch up on sleep. My internship has me running ragged but at least I'm getting a ton of experience. So far, I've been the only intern allowed to meet with artists and sit in on deals with movies and tv shows. 

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