Chapter 14

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I'm snuggled into Mason's warm chest, his toned arms holding me in place

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I'm snuggled into Mason's warm chest, his toned arms holding me in place. I let out a happy sigh and pull him tighter while he presses kisses on my head. I smile, then look up at him, ready to see his sleepy smile. His eyes crinkle as his face lights up to see that I'm awake but when he goes to speak, a terrible blaring sound comes out.


My eyes fly open as I sit up, my heart pounding out of my chest, and look at my phone that is the culprit of the blaring noise. Ugh, it was just a dream. I'm not in Mason's arms or in San Francisco. I'm back in Los Angeles and I'm having the most Monday morning ever. I shut the alarm off and toss my covers off and run around my apartment finding clothes and a quick breakfast before heading out the door to catch the approaching subway train. I slide my airpods out of their case and pop them in my ears before turning on my favorite music industry podcast. I begin to scroll through my texts before landing on Mason's.

Mason: It'll be a quick 10 day trip babe.

I'll be back in LA for the all-star game before you know it.

Try to have fun at your dress fitting tomorrow. I love you

I sigh as I re-read his "I love you" message over and over again. He says it so effortlessly all the time since we started seeing each other again and while I haven't said it back, I feel like he knows I'm trying to get there with him. I try not to overthink about not saying it back, but I don't want to say it if I don't mean it.

My mind wanders to his ten-day road trip on the East Coast. He's playing in Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia before getting a week off for the all-star break. His last few series have been at home or close by that they fly home after the games, but this time they'll be staying in a hotel. Is he going to go out to the bars and play the field? Yes we made it official, but that doesn't stop any of the other guys from hooking up with a cleat chaser or two on the road. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach and against my better judgement I decided to google Mason's name.

I pull up Google and type in Mason Young. Hundreds of search results populate along with news articles, videos and pictures. His Wikipedia page is the first result and I click on it. A basic description of where he grew up, who his parents are, and where he went to college fill the background information paragraph. His high school, college, and pro stats are listed in the next three paragraphs along with a short description of how well or poorly he did that season.

The next paragraph is about his charities. His first one, Men Standing Up For Women, was formed right after he was drafted and has many events held every year. The second charity, the ARO foundation doesn't seem to have much of a backstory. I wonder why Mason didn't tell me he started two different charities. The humble bastard could save a life and he would say he had an "okay" day.

I scroll down to the bottom where it says Personal life. Young has no known siblings or girlfriend. He has been spotted with multiple actresses but has never confirmed a relationship. I hit the back arrow and click on images to see what actresses he's been out with. Five beautiful girls appear, all blondes with model figures. I peer down at my own body, curvy and muscular, then back at the girls in the photos. Thoughts of doubt begin to creep into my mind before I shake my head and replace them. Sure I'm not a size two but you know what, I can down an entire half dozen box of donuts and not feel bad about out it. I can lift a fifty-pound child and not struggle, my strong legs can squat one hundred pounds, and damn it I have a nice ass that is more than a handful. 

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