Bonus Chapter 2- William Young

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"I think my feet got bigger

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"I think my feet got bigger. Look they barely fit into these flipflops and I just bought them last week." Lexi wails, pointing to her feet. They do look pretty swollen but I'm not going to tell her that unless I want to lose my balls. Which I don't because hopefully she'll let me put another baby in her soon. She has that 'pregnancy glow' which my mom thinks makes her look more beautiful, but I think I'm going to have a permanent boner if she keeps the glow forever.

"Baby you look beautiful." I reassure her, rubbing her arm. She shoots me a death glare and I immediately stop touching her until she realizes what she did. Then she starts to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so uncomfortable, I want this baby out of me." she cries harder.

When we found out Lexi was pregnant, we were shocked. Yes, she had went off birth control, but I did not think that meant she would get pregnant literally the week after getting off the pill. Blake jokes that all I had to do was touch her and boom she got pregnant. He's not exactly wrong. I was hoping to have to spend months trying to get her pregnant but of course not. My damn sperm had to be excellent swimmers and get it right on the first try.

We found out Valentine's Day weekend, only a few months after our wedding. Lexi swore it could take a while for us to get pregnant so we should start trying right away. She was a week late before we took a test together, this time hoping for a plus sign, and we found out the day before Valentine's Day. She cried, happy tears this time, we hugged then I hauled her into the bedroom for celebratory sex because it's not like I could get her anymore pregnant than she already was.

The first trimester was rough. While we were excited in the beginning between planning on how to tell our parents and friends, there was also a worry that Lexi's body could miscarry the baby any minute. Anytime something felt even a fraction different, she freaked out and begged me to take her to the doctor. Finally, the doctor told me not to bring her back unless there was something seriously wrong. Easy for her to say, she doesn't have to live with Lexi. She had horrible morning sickness for the full twelve weeks, was constantly fatigued, and her breasts were so tender she cried everytime I playfully squeezed them. Safe to say I couldn't wait for that trimester to be over. Until the second one started.

In the second trimester, we started collecting baby items for the nursery and planned out a way to tell our parents. We hosted both families for Easter and Lexi wore a t-shirt under her cardigan that said "Some bunny will be join us next year" with a mom, dad, and baby bunny on it. Her mom took one look at the shirt and burst into tears while her dad stood there confused as to why is wife was crying. When Mr. Olson asked, Mrs. Olson said to look at Lexi's shirt, which he did and said "If you don't like her shirt, you could've told her that." We had to explain to him that we were pregnant and then he cried as hard as wife.

Ella, Mia, and their families arrived next and they screamed and hugged Lexi a little too forcefully that I was afraid I'd have to intervene and save her and our baby. Then, my mom and Frank came in and didn't notice her shirt at all. My mom was too busy catching up with Lexi's mom that she didn't read the shirt. We all played along until my very sweet wife decided she couldn't let her go any longer not knowing she was going to be a grandma. Lexi stepped in front of my mom and held out the shirt until she read it. She looked at Lexi, then at me, and then cried, "I'm going to be a grandma!". Another round of hugs started and again I watched Lexi closely, making sure nobody squeezed her too hard.

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