Chapter 39

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I slick the comb back in my hair, styling my hair up to give that 'fresh out of bed' look that I know Lexi loves

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I slick the comb back in my hair, styling my hair up to give that 'fresh out of bed' look that I know Lexi loves. Normally, I'd push it back with just water, but she wanted me to get extra done up for the app launch. I stare at myself in the mirror, catching her sitting on the edge of the bed in nothing but a towel, reading through her notes again. Her dark brown hair is straight as a pin, and I find myself missing her natural waves. She looks good in anything but I know she wanted to look older, more professional with her hair straight versus wavy. 

At times, when she smiles at me with both dimples and her waves frame her face, she looks exactly like she did when she  walked into my house during the fall party five years ago. And I find myself falling in love with her all over again. 

"Everything okay over there?" I ask, grabbing my toothbrush. She's been pretty silent all day, her nerves radiating off of her like a heat wave on the beach in July, which is ironic considering its a cold and windy November day. She barely touched her breakfast this morning and I could only get her to eat a few pieces of fruit for lunch. 

"I just want everything to go perfectly." she says, flipping over the page. Her eyes scan it, reading it then setting it off to the side on the bed. She stands and walks towards me, grabbing her own toothbrush. 

I rinse my mouth then dry my hands before wrapping my arms around her waist. "You're going to be great. And if you start to get nervous, I'll be standing right by the stage. Just give me the look and I'll rescue you." 

Her shoulders release the tension she was holding and she gives me a small smile. "I can't wait to meet them all. I wish it were under better circumstances, but they need to know they are believed and loved." 

 God damn this woman turns me to mush. I place a kiss on top of her head, inhaling her signature strawberry vanilla scent. "I love you." 

I can feel her smile into my chest, her arms giving me a squeeze. "I love you more." 


I step out of the blacked out SUV, white flashes going off every second, and I hear at least ten people screaming my name. Ah, the media frenzy. I definitely didn't miss this. 

I walk over to Lexi's side, open the car door, and hold out my hand. She places her shaky delicate hand into mine and I help her out. Her black heel touches the concrete, and I can see her leg visibly shaking under the black tights. Come on baby, you can do this. 

She stands straight up, her long trench coat uncreasing, and plasters a big smile on her face. She's getting better at playing to the cameras and a pang of guilt hits me. She shouldn't have to do this. 

I lean down, my lips dangerously close to her ear, and I feel pants getting tighter. "Arm or hand?"

She looks at me, her eyes only showing me how nervous she is, and takes a deep breath. "Arm. I need the support."

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