Bonus Chapter 3- Caden & Kristina Young

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"Good morning beautiful

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"Good morning beautiful." I murmur into my wife's ear. She stirs a little then blinks a few times before smiling up at me. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

She laughs and stretches her arms above her head. "Only every day since we've been married which has been like what seven years now?"

I plant a kiss on the sensitive spot on her neck and chuckle. "It's been six years and good. Then I've kept up my end of the vows."

I roll over on top of her, working my lips down her neck, chest, and stomach. "Have I told you how much I love that you sleep naked?"

She laughs and pushes a hand through my hair. "Sleeping next to you is like sleeping next to a heater. I didn't want to go downstairs and turn the air down so I settled for stripping at three in the morning."

I place a kiss right above her belly button and considered blowing on her stomach the same way I do with our two-year-old daughter Kristina. "Next time, wake me up when you strip."

I'm inches away from my favorite spot when a loud knock pounds on our locked door. "Mommy!" our other two-year-old wails. "I'm hunwry mommy."

"You have got to be kidding me." I mutter, dropping my face in between her legs anyway. Lexi grabs my head, stopping me from getting any further.

"I have to get the kids hun." she says, starting to roll out of my grasp. I love my children with my whole heart but damn they're the biggest cockblocks. With how clingy our twins are, I had to fight them for Lexi's tits when she was breastfeeding them. Now, they want her to cuddle them all the time. Sometimes I like to be cuddled too.

"Can't we take Brooke and Blake up on their offer to babysit our kids, just for one night?" I ask, gripping her hips so she can't move away from me.

I need all the Lexi time I can get these days. Between taking on the vice president position at the label and being a full-time mom to our three children and being the most supportive wife of a professional athlete, she deserves a night where all I do is give her as many orgasms as she can handle.

"Brooke is trying to plan their wedding incase you haven't noticed." Lexi points out. "And Blake's schedule is just as demanding as yours. But I can call your mom next week and see if her and Frank want to visit."

"Mommy." William wails, pounding on the door. "Kristina hit me."

"Remind me why we had three kids." I whisper, placing kisses on her inner thigh. She clenches her legs and lets out a breathy moan. I snicker and move closer to paradise but she stops me, again.

"Because Kristina was a wonderful surprise when we thought we were only getting Caden." she says, her voice shaky.

I bet if I suck on her clit for even a minute, she'll come. That's how deprived of each other's bodies we are right now. So I go for it anyway. With one solid push, I break free of her hold and land straight in between her legs. I moisten my lips then slowly start licking her clit while she fists the sheets.

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