Chapter 24

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Her blue eyes find mine in the dark, swimming in emotion over the letter in her hand

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Her blue eyes find mine in the dark, swimming in emotion over the letter in her hand. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding until now. I watch her carefully, wishing in this moment I could read her mind. A few silent moments pass between us, our eyes never breaking contact. Her lips part, words on the tip of her tongue, she tilts her head to the side. 

"It was you." she breathes. "You're the one who sent me flowers every birthday, every milestone in my career. Every single time. It was you."

Her voice catches on the last word and I realize she isn't pissed. I wasn't sure how she would feel about her dad giving me her address years ago when we were broken up and not speaking but it seems he made a good decision. 

"It's always been us." I say, crossing the room. Electricity flies between us, the unspoken tension thick in the air. There was never a time I didn't think she was the one. I knew it from the minute our eyes met in class, the sexual tension bouncing off the walls. And then I got to know her soul, the purest and sweetest I've ever met. There isn't a selfish bone in her body. 

I brush her loose strands of hair away from her face, those blue eyes piercing my soul and rest my hand on the back of her head. The moonlight shines into the bedroom, outlining her naked shape across my bed and in this moment, she's never looked more divine. Her hand wraps around my wrist, squeezing it, her face begging me to take her right here and now. 

"Tell me what you want Lexi." I say quietly, trying to keep myself in control. 

"You. I want all of you." she whispers, dipping her head back, exposing her neck for me. Fighting the urge to flip her over and break her back, I bring my lips to her neck, planting soft kisses until she starts squirming. Gently, I push her back onto the bed and hover above her, watching her heartbeat rise and fall. My own pulse matches hers, as I feel something shift between us. We've had sex several times but something about tonight feels different. It's like we're rediscovering each other all over again. 

She pulls me close, our mouths crashing together, and my dick hardens, poking her stomach. Our tongues tangle with each other, fighting for dominance, while my fingers thread her hair, desperately trying to close the inches of space between us. She whimpers, sending sparks straight to my balls until I swallow the next one. Her body begins to shake, a sign that she needs more from me. 

I sit upright on my knees, her eyes hooded, waiting for me to make the next move. Her dark curls are sprawled out above her and the beast inside me rises, wanting to pull her hair while pounding into her. 

"What's wrong?" she asks, breaking the silence, running her fingertips up my arms. 

"I'm struggling." I admit, moving a hand over the top of her breast, kneading it while her mouth lets out a small cry. She flushes and tries to fight the pleasure until I take her nipple between my fingers and rub it. 

"Don't ever be embarrassed to show me how good I make you feel." I demand. 

"Make me cum then you can be as rough as you want." she urges, pushing her hips into mine, creating a friction I can't stop. I grab her hips, keeping them on the bed before parting her legs and getting comfortable in my favorite position. 

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