Chapter 12

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I walk into the suite and take in the view

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I walk into the suite and take in the view. The suite is massive, with taupe colored walls, a marble countertop and spacious wet bar. There's at least five high top tables with four bar stools around them and two rows of seating. San Francisco Giant images clutter the walls along with their previous three championship banners. Giants hats and promo boxes are neatly aligned the row of seating which features a massive window with the best view in the park. To my right is a decked out private restroom and as I walk further in, I see at least six TVs. If this is what the wives and girlfriend's suite looks like, I can't imagine what Clayton is seeing in the Owner's suite.

There's only a few women in the suite all dressed lavishly like they're going to a formal party and not a ball game. A tall dirty blonde wearing jean shorts and a Giants jersey exits the bathroom and smiles when she sees me.

"You must be Lexi." she says, sticking out her hand. "I'm Stella, Kris's wife. It's nice to finally meet you."

I smile and shake her hand, noticing a massive diamond ring. Damn, that has to be at least three carat.

"It's nice to meet you too."

She links her arm through mine and pulls me towards the first row of seats. "Let's sit here. I'm glad you're not dressed like them." she whisper, gesturing towards the women who haven't even looked my direction.

"Am I underdressed?" I asked, feeling slightly embarrassed Mason would let me leave the house in my jean shorts and black jersey.

She laughs. "Absolutely not. This is what you should be wearing but if that makes them feel comfortable, then hey who am I to judge."

"Thank you." I say, picking up the hat. It's all black with the logo in orange in the middle. It reminds me of Halloween colors and I smile thinking about mine and Mason's first Halloween together. How patient he was when I was having a panic attack and ending the night in my bed.

"So how long have you been torturing our superstar?" Stella asks, pulling me out of the sweet memory.

"Uh not too long. We ran into each other a couple of weeks ago and he just never stopped talking to me since." I answer truthfully.

"Is he going to take you to the All-Star game in July?" she asks, flipping through the promo book.

"I for one hope so. It would make for great publicity." A voice says above us.

I spin around as Stella jumps out her seat, yelling "Adrianna! I missed you." She engulfs her in a huge hug and I'm surprised Adrianna doesn't fall over from the impact. Stella has at least a good six inches on her.

"It's great to see you Stel. How are you? How's the kids?" she asks, sliding into the empty seat beside me.

Great so everyone likes her and she likes them. A little fair warning would've been nice. Thanks Mason.

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