Chapter 26

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TW: suicide attempt and depression, please read at your own discretion. 

Kaylee sprays my hair one more time, fluffing the high ponytail so the curls bounce before being stuck together by the hairspray

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Kaylee sprays my hair one more time, fluffing the high ponytail so the curls bounce before being stuck together by the hairspray. I tilt my head to the left then the right before I smile at myself in the mirror. Gia and Kaylee pampered me all evening, curling my hair, tweezing my brows, and beating my face with a foundation brush. For a second, I feel like I'm back in our small college house, getting ready for a night out at the bars. 

"Is your dad okay?" Gia asks, swiping a lipstick for her own lips. Dad was a little awkward and quiet today at lunch which was unusual since he had three daughters, so a full day of shopping and lunch was a monthly occurrence with him and my mom growing up. 

"You noticed that too?" I ask, taking a picture of myself in the mirror to send to Mason. He's going to rip this little red dress off me the minute he sees me. I'm kind of hoping he has his way with me in the bathroom again. 

"Do you think it's about the heart attack?" Kaylee probes. 

I shake my head, knowing I already saw the doctor reports he sent me. "I'm not sure. I'll ask him tomorrow before he and my mom leave."

With a final glance in the mirror, I slip on my heels and head out the door with my friends for an unforgettable night. 


I walk through the doors of a popular club in San Francisco, my eyes meeting with twinkling white lights and all of my friends and family from last night. I go in for another round of hugs before walking up to the bar to order a drink. I check the time on my phone, wondering when Mason will get out of postgame interviews. I never understand why reporters talk to him when he didn't play today but I guess that's what happens when you're up for league MVP again. 

As I'm just about to text him, the door to the club open, revealing my handsome man. I feel like I'm in a movie as all eyes are on us as he walks straight towards me in a navy-blue suit that has reignited the butterflies in my stomach. He leans in to hug me and I catch a scent of his cologne that has heat pooling in my panties until the feeling dies out quickly when he kisses my head. His eyes avoid contact with mine as he says, "Happy birthday" and then moves onto the bar. 

I recover, replacing the frown with a smile as I spin to look at Gia. Her eyes tell me she saw the whole exchange and she shakes her head, feeling just as confused as me. I check the score of the game to see if the game is what put him in a foul mood, but they won. What could've happened between breakfast this morning and now? 

The doors to the club open again and I crane my next to see who it is. When I see his face, his smug ass face, I drop my cocktail. Glass shatters on the floor and red liquid splashes at my feet, but I'm frozen in place at the sight of him.

What the fuck is Riley Dawson doing here.


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