Chapter 44

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I love my girlfriend very much, but the look she's giving me right now makes my skin crawl

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I love my girlfriend very much, but the look she's giving me right now makes my skin crawl. She's scowling and her eyes are piercing through my soul in this very moment. It would be a turn on if what she was asking wasn't serious. 

"And you're absolutely 100 percent sure there will be no strippers." she asks, her eyes narrowing. 

I'm not absolutely 100 percent sure there's going to be no strippers at Noah's bachelor party but considering he has three sisters and a fiancé who would cut off his balls, I'm leaning towards no. 

I squeeze her thigh and smile. "If there is, I will facetime you immediately and watch you strip instead, how's that?"

She shakes her head. "No Mason, not good enough. You're a professional athlete I know one of them will by dying to give you special treatment."

I let out a long sigh. "Okay how about this. If they want to go to a strip club, I'll go the casino. And if there's strippers at the hotel room, I'll leave the room. How's that?"

"Much better but let's hope that they won't even be there." she huffs, turning back to her book. I'm sitting next to her in her flight's terminal. Mine is on the other side of the wall but who wants to sit alone? Not me.

This weekend we're jetting off to Kaylee and Noah's bachelor and bachelorette parties. I'm headed to Las Vegas, the city of sin, and Lexi's headed to Miami, the city of suns out buns out and we're both a little on edge. Not because of each other but because our friends are crazy and we both know it. 

"I trust you." she finally says, shutting her book. "I know you won't cheat or anything, but I don't know any of the guys going except Noah and Blake."

"That should be reassuring enough." I joke. On the contrary only Blake would be reassuring. Noah's pretty wild, just like Kaylee. "And anyway how do you know Kaylee won't have male strippers?"

She snorts. "Are you kidding? Noah's sisters will be there. If Kaylee does anything remotely wild, they'll tell him. So you have nothing to worry about."

I mimic her snort. "And I am head over heels in love with you and only you so you have nothing to worry about." 

"Flight 477 Los Angeles to Miami boarding now." the loud speaker behind us says. 

"That's me." she says, throwing her book in her carryon bag. I stand up and hug her, my heart sinking a little. I hate being away from her and not in the I need to be with you every second type of way. More like when I'm watching ESPN and she's doing the most mundane things like wiping down the fridge, I like to be in her presence. 

"I love you." I say, leaning down to kiss her. It starts off sweet and slow and then because I have no self-control, I deepen it, slipping my tongue into her mouth, catching her breath. 

"Mason, we are in public." she whispers against my lips. She puts her hands on my hips and pushes away from me. 

"You love it baby. Have a good time. Call me if you're a little drunk and horny." I wink at her then smirk when her mouth falls open. 

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