Chapter 21

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"I can fly you guys in Thursday night but you'll have to stay at a hotel that night

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"I can fly you guys in Thursday night but you'll have to stay at a hotel that night." I explain, scrolling through flights on the screen. Half a dozen flights with various priority levels and prices fill the screen while I search for the best one. 

"Let me go grab Bill and see what he wants to do." says Mrs. Olson. She gets up from the couch and exits the Facetime screen. I scroll through other flights, seeing if there are any direct flights that they could take. I know Mr. Olson doesn't like to fly, so if I can get him a direct flight, that would be best. Lexi's birthday is on Saturday and even though I swore to her up and down that I wouldn't make it a big deal, I am in fact making it a big deal. 

"Mason. Good to see you son." Mr. Olson says, sitting down the couch with Mrs. Olson by his side. "How's my girl?"

"She's great but she doesn't know you guys are flying in. It's a surprise party I'm throwing her." 

He lets out a low whistle followed by a deep chuckle. "Oooh boy, wait until Lexi gets ahold of you. She hates surprises." 

I nod, knowing she's going to freak out and want to kill me. I'm not worried though; I'll have her screaming my name from multiple orgasms and she'll forget all about the party. Not that I'm going to tell her dad that. 

"There's two flights I can get you guys on. One is early in the morning with a layover in Denver or a direct flight that leaves mid-afternoon and is a straight seven hours. Which would you prefer?" I ask, scrolling down the screen. I know the answer before he even says it. 

Mr. Olson sighs. "I hate flying." He runs a hand through his receding hair line and looks at his wife. "Probably the straight flight right honey?" 

She nods in agreement. "I would say so. It'll be best for you. I'll make sure to download plenty of movies on your iPad, so you'll be distracted." 

"Okay, I'll book them and send you guys the information." I say, clicking purchase. A red confirmation screen pops up letting me know the transaction was successful. 

"I'll give you a check when we see you." 

I crack my knuckles, stalling for time and debating on how to tell them that's not happening. I have to tread lightly here since these are Lexi's parents and she stressed how prideful they are. 

"Actually..." I start and they both snap their attention to the screen. "This is kind of my gift to Lexi. To bring her family to California. She misses you guys and I just want to make her happy on her birthday."

"Oh Mason we don't expect that." 

"I know but, please, I want to. Just focus on getting here. I'll have an Uber pick you up and take you to your hotel. Lexi flies in Thursday night too and I don't want her to see you guys back at my place but you're more than welcome to stay at my house the rest of the weekend." I reply, texting Adrianna about the plans. 

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