Chapter 11

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"His agent?" I repeat, looking between her and Mason

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"His agent?" I repeat, looking between her and Mason. 

"Yes. I have been ever since he got drafted." She says before waving her hand, dismissing me. "Listen we can chat about this at the game but right now we need to get to the field for the Make-A-Wish kid." 

"Did you just dismiss me." I growl, stepping closer to her. Who does this chick think she is?

 Mason hurries to step between us, resting a hand on each of our shoulders. "Lexi can I talk to you in the bedroom, please." 

I nod and start down the hall while Mason whispers something to her, attempting to play peacemaker. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait. He walks in offering me a tight smile before sitting next to me. He opens his mouth to say something but my patience has worn thin.

"Is she really your agent?" I ask, cutting him off.

"Yes she is. I was between three agents before the draft but she made a very convincing argument." 

I snort. "With what? Her large boobs?"

A pained expression crosses his face. "No Lexi. She represents other big athletes in football and hockey but she wanted to break into the baseball world. Plus she negotiated with San Francisco so I didn't have to stay in Tampa Bay."

"Why didn't you want to stay in Tampa?" I ask, furrowing my brows. It doesn't make sense. Mason has been dreaming about playing for the Rays ever since he was a kid. 

"I wanted to be closer to you."

I stare at him, at a complete loss for words when Adrianna pops her head in the doorway. "Not to interrupt but your food just arrived and we really need to get going to the field."

Mason nods and stands, then reaches his hand out to me to help me up. I follow him towards the kitchen, stopping when he does. 

"You know," he starts, "I never gave up on us." 

I'm putting the finishing touches on the locker that I had set aside for Clayton, the Make-A-Wish kid, when I hear him and his family coming down the hall with coach

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I'm putting the finishing touches on the locker that I had set aside for Clayton, the Make-A-Wish kid, when I hear him and his family coming down the hall with coach. Coach always meets the family, the kid, and their coordinator first before bringing them to me. I steal a glance at Lexi and Adrianna in the corner, hoping tensions don't boil over. I'm hoping they can talk it out during the game but you never know with chicks. All it takes is someone to say the wrong thing and all hell could break loose.

I take a deep breath and put a smile on my face turning to see a little kid who looks frailer that I could've imagined. His face lights up as he sees me and comes running over, carrying his oxygen tank with him. As much happiness as it brings me to meet these little fans, it hurts my heart to know they may not make it to their next birthday.

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" I ask, bending down to give him a huge.

"You're Mason Young." he exclaims with a tinkle in his eye. 

I chuckle. "Yes I am. And what's your name big guy?" 

"I'm Clayton." he says, peering at the locker behind me. 

"Well Clayton I have a lot of things planned for us today if you're up for it."

He nods his head excitedly as I shake his mom and dad's hand and say hi to his older brother. I lead him over to the locker I had dedicated to him complete with a custom jersey, eye blackener, name tag above the locker, a ball cap, game balls, and a customized bat. I helped him slip the jersey over his head and help fix his oxygen tank so the jersey covers the wires. Next, I slip the hat on his head and pose for pictures. 

"Do you wanna go check out the dugout?" I ask him. He smiles real big and grabs my hand to lead the way. I watch Adrianna go over to the mom and dad and introduce herself, no doubt finding out about Clayton's condition. She's my go-to when it comes to the parents because she has a knack for finding out what his medical expenses are like so I can help pay for them. 

I show him around the ball field and walk the bases with him and introduce him to my teammates. We play a couple innings with him, letting him score the game-winning run, and show him our trophy room. 

After a couple hours pass, I let him know I have to start to get ready for the game tonight. He nods, hanging onto the bat I got him, as we take our final pictures. Before he leaves though, I have one more surprise. 

"Clayton, where are your seats at tonight?" I ask, shooting a quick glance at Adrianna. 

"Section 212, row P." he says. 

"That's a lot of steps buddy." 

"I know. I'll have to take a couple of breaks to get up the steps." he says, gesturing towards his oxygen tank. 

"How about you sit in the owner's box tonight? I hear they have amazing food, a great view of the game, and you get to take the elevator." I say, bending down to this level.

His face lights up as he throws his arms around me in a big hug. "Really! That would be awesome." 

I chuckle and hug him back. "Definitely. I'll let Mr. Brand know you're coming. I'll see you after the game okay?" 

"Thank you. This is the best day of my life!" 

His dad shakes my hand and I ask Adrianna to escort them up to the owner's box so I can get ready for batting practice. Lexi stands off to the corner, looking like she doesn't know where to go or what to do. 

"Do you want me to take you to your seat?" I ask, walking towards her. 

"I'd like to sit with the wives and girlfriends, if that's okay?" she says with shy smile. 

My heart pounds a little harder as I try to decipher what she means. "Does this mean... you want to date me again?" I ask, trying not to get my hopes up. 

"I think I'd like to get to know who you are now. If it's easier to tell the other women that we're dating, then yes. But I want to take it slow." 

Happiness flows through me and I break out in a huge grin. "Of course. Follow me." 

I lead her up the stairs and towards the elevator that'll take her to the WAGS box. The box is nice, decked out with comfortable seating and delicious food, and multiple tvs so the girls can talk and watch at their leisure. I'm hoping Kris's wife will take Lexi under her wing and introduce her to the rest of the women. As I'm about to let Lexi in the box, something dawns on me.

"Um Lexi. I feel like you should know, normally Adrianna sits in this box too."

She stares at me and an uncomfortable minute passes between us. 

"That's fine. It'll give me chance to question her." she says, opening the door and shutting it behind her. 

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