Chapter 29

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I drag a hand over my face, feeling my headache continue to grow

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I drag a hand over my face, feeling my headache continue to grow. "It's not happening Adrianna. I'm not pushing her if she doesn't want to do it." 

Her shrill voice gets so loud I have to physically move my phone away from my ear. "This app is launching October 10 Mason. We need an answer." 

"I'm not pressuring her. Whatever she decides, we'll handle it." I throw my bag on the ground as Kris and José walk in, pushing each other, probably ragging on how we played the other night. "Because I'm proposing to her a few weeks after the launch and I'm not jeopardizing our relationship for an app. She's too important." 

Their heads snap in my direction at my confession. "What?!" they both yell, not caring that I'm still on the phone. 

I shake my head and cover the bottom. "I'll explain during batting practice."

"Mason!" Adrianna shrieks into the phone. "Propose? Already?" 

"Listen I'm not discussing this with you right now. I have a game to get ready for. When Lexi tells me her decision, you'll be the first to know. I gotta go. Bye." I hang up the phone without even waiting for a response. Normally, I'd feel bad about it but half the time she hangs up she doesn't say goodbye either.

"So you're about to be a married man?" José asks, sticking a hand into his batting glove. Our batting coaches pull the cart of balls around the batting practice net and motion for us to lineup. I bang my bat off of my cleats then roll my shoulders attempting to loosen up. 

"Bro you're not getting out of this conversation." Kris says, tying his cleats. "You can't drop something like that on us and not expect us to ask questions. You've only been dating her again for like three months."

"I've been waiting on that girl for five years. Once playoffs are done, I'm asking." I insist. "We're in our mid-twenties, plenty of people our age are engaged."

Kris and José share a look while my annoyance continues to grow. "If you two have something to say then spit it out."

José scratches the back of his neck before letting out a loud sigh. "We're happy for you, really we are. But shouldn't you wait until you get signed somewhere first. You're a free agent Mase. You could end up in Boston for all you know."

"Lexi and I will figure it out. I told Adrianna to push the Dodgers. There's been interest on their side and I'd rather be in L.A. so we can move in together." 

I swing my bat a few times then step into the box. The assistant batting coach tosses me a few easy balls and I send them as pop ups into center field, hoping to clear my head. I love baseball, it's opened so many doors for me but I won't let it affect my relationship with Lexi. I can sign with any team near her and be happy. I've already won multiple MVPs and World Series, I don't need anymore. I want her. 

I want to wake up next to her every morning, her dark waves sticking to her face while her body is sprawled out in the middle of the bed. I want to be there for every career move, every late night movie night, and every good and bad day. I just want to be with my best friend everyday. 

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