Chapter 18

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I'm about to take a bite of my mouth-watering pizza when I hear a loud bang

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I'm about to take a bite of my mouth-watering pizza when I hear a loud bang. What the hell was that? Shaking my head I go back in for the pizza when I hear a loud "damn it."

My eyes flutter open as I look around the room for the mystery sound. Damn, the pizza was just a dream. I reach across the bed, my hand hitting the mattress instead of Lexi's naked body. Her spot next to me is vacant and I'd bet my life she's the one causing the noise. I roll over onto my back, rubbing my eyes, and feeling the cool sheet wrap around my own body. When we left the event last night, we decided to have a sex marathon, something that I was not upset about, until we crashed sometime around 4am.

Another bang comes from the kitchen as I hear her muttering to herself. What could she possibly be up to? I grab my phone to look at the time and see that it isn't even eight am. What the fuck is this crazy girl doing at this hour?

I toss the sheet off my body and search for a pair of shorts. Clothes are thrown all over the room, her pink dress laying on the floor in a bunch while my suit and tie are hanging off of my dresser, looking like they just came from battle. I smirk as I see her heels at the foot the bed. Somehow I convinced her to keep those on with nothing else, a mental picture forever etched into my brain, along with her moans of "I love you", which was music to my ears.

"Where the hell does he keep the bleach?" I hear Lexi grumbling from the kitchen. "Does he even own a sponge?"

I stifle a laugh and continue to listen to her from the safety of my room. I wasn't kidding when I said she doesn't open up to me about how she's feeling so if I can eavesdrop on her and possibly hear something, then fuck it, I'm going to.

I hear the static of another voice and I realize she must be on the phone. "No Gia, the sex was good. Better than good it was great. Mind blowing you could say."

I puff my chest out a little, my ego enjoying this conversation. I listen to her continue to open and close cabinets as if she's going to find my bleach. Jokes on her, I have a housekeeper who comes once a week to clean my penthouse. I simply don't have time to clean between traveling, practice, and mandatory media days. But concern takes over me. Lexi only cleans furiously like this when she's stressed out. During finals week she deep cleaned her house and my house.

"Then what's the matter besides having a guy give you so many orgasms you lose count?"

The sound of my breakfast stool scrapping across the floor echoes down the hall as Lexi lets out a loud sigh. "I don't know. I do know. I'm - I'm just not sure. I told him I loved him last night G."

A shrill scream comes from what I can only assume is Gia on the phone. "You said I love you again. Oh my god Lexi! What's the big deal you know he loves you."

"He's a free agent," she starts at the exact time I try to move my head closer to the door to listen when I smack my elbow off the dresser. Aw hell.

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