Chapter 19

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Mason ruffles my hair before adjusting me in his lap

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Mason ruffles my hair before adjusting me in his lap. He's stalling, looking for a way out of this conversation like he normally does, but if we want to make this work, we need to communicate. 

"I started asking my dad questions about my mom the week after I found out you left. It crushed me when Gia told me you were staying in LA and she wasn't offering up much about why." He drags a hand down his face before continuing. "I couldn't ask Julianna obviously." 

"Obviously." I shoot back, rolling my eyes in the process. I knew there wasn't something right about her when I met her but I thought I was being crazy. Note to self, always trust my gut.

"Anyways, my dad was no help so I searched for her online first. I found her email on her company's website and I messaged her. We started talking daily and she wanted to see me so I booked a flight to Georgia." 

"And?" I press further. I lean back in his lap while he drops his head to the back of the couch. Silence engulfs us as I wait for him to continue. Mason stares at the ceiling and lets out a deep breath. 

"He abused her. Not physically he didn't hit her." He clarifies as my eyes widen. After meeting Mason's father all of one time, I can't say that I would've been surprised if he did hit her. The man's heart is as cool as an iceberg and I've seen the way he treats Mason, at least through his texts. 

"He would mentally and verbally abuse her when I was younger but never in front of me. That doesn't make it right but after I became a Perfect Game athlete in middle school, she decided to leave. She couldn't handle it anymore."

His mother abandon him. She couldn't handle it but didn't take her son with her. My teeth clench at the thought of Mason being left to defend himself at such a crucial age. "She divorced him and didn't fight for custody of you. I'm sorry Mason but she's a coward." 

His head snaps forward, his eyes narrowing in on me. "No she wasn't. She was in a bad situation, she needed to get herself out of it."

I cross my arms, ready for a fight. "And she left you in it. All she did was move your dad's abuse from herself to you. That's cowardly, she should've taken you with her." 

"She was protecting herself." 

"She left you." 

His jaw clenches and he moves me off of his lap and onto the couch then stands up. He turns around to look at me, his lips curling up. "You know for someone who's been abused, I would've thought you would understand."

The air rushes out of my chest as if Mason just punched me in the gut while I fight back the urge to deliver my own blow. "Fuck you." I jump off the couch and head for the bedroom to grab my stuff. I don't need to take this from him of all people. If he wants to defend his mother's actions, that's on him but I won't stick around for it.

"Lexi wait. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." He yells, following me down the short hall. I slam the door shut behind me, picking up my clothes from last night, shoving them in my overnight bag. 

"Please stop." He says, grabbing the bag out of my hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." 

"You think." I yell, reaching for the bag. Anger pulsates through me as I reach for another top. 

"Lexi, please. Don't leave." His voice cracks on the last part, sending a dagger through my heart. I take a deep breath, my butt hitting the edge of the mattress. I drop the top and look up at him, noticing the rising moisture in his eyes. There's nothing worse than fighting with the person you love. 

"I didn't mean what I said. I'm just use to defending my mom, especially over the last few years." he says, moving to sit next to me on the bed. "Are you sure you're mad at her because she left me or because she was critical of us last night?"

I stare at my hands, contemplating my next words. "It's a little bit of both honestly." I fold my legs as I turn to look at him. "I don't like that she left you when you were younger but I don't appreciate how she treated us last night either. I thought she would be happy that we were back together." 

"She is." he insists, pushing a strand out of my hair. "She knows you're the only one for me." He presses his warm lips to the my forehead. 

"Tell me what happened after you guys talked." I say, taking his callused hand in mine.

"I was angry at first just like you were, but she was beyond remorseful. She thought about me everyday and had people she trusted check up on me for her. I forgave her and told her I'd like her to be apart of my life, if she wanted to be. And she agreed." He finishes, breaking out into a wide smile. 

My heart warms at his happiness and I thank God he has at least one good parent, even if she's weary of me. Coming from a loving household, I don't understand how parents could leave or abuse their children. "How did your dad take that?"

His smile disappears quickly and his face drops. "Not well. He wasn't happy at all, but I told him if he wanted to apart of my life, he had to accept my mom being at events too."

"Good. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."

He lets out a dark laugh. "Yeah I got an earful about it though. But it didn't matter, I didn't listen to half of it. I was too distracted with wondering where you were." 

My stomach drops, the happiness leaving my body in drones. "I'm sorry."

His hands pull me down on the bed until we're propped up on our sides, staring at me, while my mind races. What if he's regretting getting back together with me? What if he's thinking his mom was right, that we can't make the distance work?

Finally, after what feels like an hour but isn't more than a few minutes, he breaks the silence. "I don't want to keep harping on our past Lexi. I love you and I'm only thinking about now and our future. We were just kids trying to figure out situations we were handed. And sure we didn't handle all of them the best, but we found our way back to each other. That's all that matters."

My heart swells at his admission, my hands pulling him into me, giving him a breath stealing kiss. His hands wrap around my hips and before I can blink, I'm sitting on his hips, his rock hard dick poking me through my leggings. His hands rip off the oversized t-shirt, exposing my bare body. I'm hyper aware that we have a flight to catch to Vegas today so before things get too out of hand, I place my palm on his chest, stopping him from going for my pants.

"We have a plane to catch." I say breathlessly, as his fingers slip beneath my waistband.

He cocks his head to side, squinting at the clock on the nightstand. "We have forty-five minutes, plenty of time to make you cum at least five times." 

His fingers slide in-between my folds as my eyes roll back into my head. Just as quick as the pleasure starts, it's gone. My eyes bore into him as he grabs ahold of my hips, flipping me over and hovering over top of me. He peels my leggings off, working his lips down my stomach, stopping right before my clit. He peers up at me, eyes blazing.  "Are you ready for it?" 

I moan as he touches me, knowing I'll never be alone. 

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