Chapter 20 - the espys

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"You're doing great babe

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"You're doing great babe." I whisper into Lexi's ear, feeling her stiffen next to me as I turn us towards the right of the flashing cameras. She twists with me, my hand resting on her hip as I flash my fake smile at the cameras. Paparazzi is screaming at us to look here, smile here and after another five minutes of pictures, I take Lexi's hand and move us down the rest of the red carpet.

"Keep smiling." I say, leading her towards some players from around the league. "They'll still be watching."

I wish it didn't have to be like this but if Lexi drops her guard for even a second, we'll be tomorrow's headlines about how our relationship is crumbling all because she stopped smiling for two seconds. Adrianna told me about Lexi reading articles about us before the all-star break and I considered disabling the internet on her phone and laptop, but I know that won't stop her. The media can be so cruel especially towards women and the last thing I need is Lexi to spiral into a depression over a gossip article that has no merit.

"My cheeks hurt." she murmurs to me, still keeping up the act. She grabs my arm while her other hand grasps her gold clutch. "I need to sit down soon. These heels are a death trap."

My eyes trail down her curvy figure to the opening of her dress that reveals her gold stilettos. Those things have to be at least four or five inches and they look uncomfortable as hell. I'll treat her to a foot massage tonight, Lord knows she'll need it from those things.

"Young. How's it going?" a deep familiar voice behind me says. Smiling, I turn around and see my former roommate and teammate, Blake Davis. He's the Pittsburgh Pirates first baseman and he's having a hell of a season with over twenty homeruns, second only to me of course. Chances are he'll get traded before the end of the month because that's how Pittsburgh is. Any little bit of talent they have, they get rid of.

"Blake!" Lexi squeals, breaking out of my grasp and throws her arms around his neck. "I didn't know you were going to be here."

He chuckles, his arms wrapping her up in a bear hug. "Ditto. I take it you two patched things up?"

Lexi steps back next to me, giving me a warm smile. "You could say that." Damn if my heart doesn't swell at those words.

Blake claps me on the back, giving me my own deserved bro hug. "Good. I always knew you two were perfect for each other. So where are we sitting?"

"We?" I ask, chuckling. I gesture towards myself and Lexi. "We're sitting in the front row since I'm the reining NL MVP but we'll look for you in the back."

He throws his head back, laughing. "Damn, still won't let me sit with you. Hey let's get a drink together before you head out of town. You don't have to join the team until Monday, right?"

I nod. It sucks I'm missing the series against the Blue Jays but since they're halfway across the country I'm not too upset my road trip will be cut short. Worry beings to bubble that I'm willing to trade road series for more time with Lexi, but I suppress it quickly. Tonight's suppose to be fun and laid back, not worrying about how I'll be gone.

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