Chapter 9

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I throw my bag in the back seat of my truck and shut the door

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I throw my bag in the back seat of my truck and shut the door. I check my phone to see if Lexi texted yet but still nothing. Good, I should have enough time to get to the airport and wait for her. The last thing I want is her waiting on me.

I'm still surprised she agreed to come out and stay the weekend with me but I'm grateful she did. I haven't seen her for a week due to our conflicting schedules. I'm so ready to prove to her that she should give us another shot. I have the whole weekend planned out, starting with sightseeing before my games, having her meet my teammates, and hopefully ending it in bed. If she wants to have sex, that's great, but if she wants to stay in the guest room and keep it platonic, I'm prepared for that too.

I'm about to climb in my truck when I see our manager waving me over. In baseball, we don't have a head coach. Instead we have a manager and I couldn't tell you why the fuck he's called the manager instead of coach. It's one of those things that you simply can not explain. Regardless, I let out an audible sigh and walk over.

"What's up?" I ask, jiggling my keys to send me a message.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"I'm actually busy tonight sir." I start but he puts his hands up cutting me off.

"It's not for tonight. It's on Saturday. Before the game, we have a little boy and he idolizes you."

My stomach starts to turn. Anytime he starts a conversation like this it never ends well. Something's wrong.

He puts his hand on my shoulder before continuing. "Mason he's sick. He's a Make-A-Wish kid. He just wants to meet you and see the ballpark. Can you do that for him?"

"Of course I can." I say, ideas flowing through my mind of how I can make this extra special for him.

"I knew I could count on you kid." He pats my shoulder then walks away towards his car. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and make my way back to the truck. I dial Adrianna and let her know about the kid, then put my truck into drive to go pick up Lexi.


As I figured, Lexi slept in the guest room last night. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, but I want to do things on her terms. She was wide awake when she got off the plane and we stayed up and talked until the middle of the night. She kept stifling yawns and as much as I wanted to keep sitting in her presence, I knew she needed sleep.

My alarm blares in my ear at an ungodly hour. 6:30 flashes on the clock next to my bed, a time I haven't seen in a long time. It wouldn't be so bad if I actually slept last night but when your ex-girlfriend is sleeping just a few steps down the hall it's hard to stay in your own bed. Dirty thoughts danced in my dreams all night and I almost acted upon them. Jesus. I need to pull myself together.

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