Chapter 34

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I stare at the blank screen in front of me, hoping the words will appear on the page and I can be done with this whole situation

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I stare at the blank screen in front of me, hoping the words will appear on the page and I can be done with this whole situation. But unfortunately, that's not how this works. I click the tab next to my open Google doc and scan ARO website one more time, hoping something will prompt my writer's block to jump out at me. 

No such luck. 

I push away from my desk and peer outside. It's been five hours since I dropped Mason off at the airport for his wildcard series. He's traveling to Atlanta to take on the Braves and he doesn't feel very confident about it. José tore his ACL in practice last night so without their best second baseman he's afraid they'll be swept in the three-game series. 

The last thing he said to me before kissing me goodbye was, "Make sure you get your opening speech in to Adrianna by Sunday, or she'll pester you for it daily." I had laughed and shook my head, but his expression turned serious. "No really, she will." he said without a trace of humor. 

Flash forward to right now and my mind is completely blank. What do you say to a roomful of sexual assault survivors about a new app that's supposed to help keep this from happening again? I know when it happened to me, I wanted to pretend it never happened. I don't know where any of their heads at. What if they aren't opened to the idea of this app working? A healing journey isn't cut and dry for everyone. Some heal quicker while others stay in denial for a few years example A me. 

That thought sparks an idea and I sit down and begin to write, letting my mind wander to every part of the healing journey I've had. By the time I take a break from the cramping in my fingers and wrist, I realize three hours have gone by and I've written over three thousand words. I proofread it, changing sentence structures, adding more personal touches, and adding in a few pauses. Once I feel like it's ready, I sent attach it to an email and send it to Morgan and Brooke for their opinion. A sexual assault therapist and a survivor are the best people I can think of to proofread this and give me their honest opinion. With a satisfied sigh, I shut down my computer and decide I'm having a "me" day. 

I change into a pair of vibrant blue leggings, a white sports bra, and a white tank top before slipping on my running shoes. I slip my driver's license and credit card into my phone and head out of my apartment when I run into Nate in the hallway. 

"Hi Miss Olson, how are you?" he asks, his deep voice always surprising me. 

"I'm well thanks, and please call me Lexi. I feel weird being called Miss Olson." 

He nods. "If that's what you want, Lexi. Where are we headed to?"

"Well I'm having a 'me' day." I explain, adding extra emphasis to the word me. I put my airpods in and head for the elevator, when he follows, slipping in before the door shuts. 

"Lexi, you know I have to go everywhere with you. How many miles are we doing?" 

I grimace. "Nate really, you're sweet but I'm okay. I'm just going to run three miles then grab lunch at the cafe down the street. I'll probably go play with some puppies at PetSmart too. Then watch Mason's game tonight." 

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