Chapter 48

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"Are you sure it's not too much?" I ask Gia, looking at my makeup in the mirror

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"Are you sure it's not too much?" I ask Gia, looking at my makeup in the mirror. It's Kaylee's wedding day and she insisted on paying for our hair and makeup to be professionally done. Now though, I'm regretting it a little bit. I'm more of a natural makeup kind of girl but Kaylee wanted us all to have brown eyeshadow, fake lashes, and highlighter. While I feel like a clown, Kaylee thinks I look perfect, although I'm not sure how the brown eyeshadow is going to compliment my red dress. 

Gia pulls the dress in the back in an attempt to make it tighter against my body. Since Kaylee and Noah decided to get married quickly, there wasn't enough time for professional alternations. Especially not with Christmas, my dad's health checkup, and moving into a new house in the span of two weeks. 

"How does this feel?" she asks, pulling it behind my back. I turn my head in the mirror to see what it looks like.

"It feels fine but what about the extra material?" I ask, staring at the bulk of red.

"Don't worry, I'm going to safety pin it and use a hair tie underneath. Relax, you'll look great." Gia replies then gets to work on my dress. Ten minutes later you would have no idea it was about two sizes too big on me.

"You're the best." I say, hugging her. "Now about this makeup..."

With only an hour until the ceremony, I take the handwritten note from Kaylee down the hallway to the groomsmen's suite and knock on the door. My knock vibrates down the silent hall and in a second, Blake opens it. 

"Hey Lexi, wow you look beautiful." he says with a grin then spins around. "Yo Mason, Lexi's here."

"Oh no I wasn't here to see him. I'm giving Noah the note from Kaylee and I'm here to pick up his for her." I explain but he either doesn't hear me or doesn't care to hear me because here comes Mason, walking over to me in a black tux. 

Great, I'm going to be wet before I walk down the aisle, love that for me.

"Hi gorgeous. You know if you wanted a quickie you could've shot me a text." he says winking. My foundation is getting tested with his first crude remark of the day. 

"Don't worry, I can still see you blush even under all that makeup." he laughs, then presses a kiss on my head.

"Does it look bad?" I ask, immediately looking for a mirror. I knew I looked like a clown.

"Absolutely not. You look like that actress from the new Baywatch." he reassured me.

"Alexandra Daddario?" I ask. 

He nods. "Yeah except with blue eyes, not green. So what's this about a note?"

I hand him the white envelope with the words 'Noah' written in Kaylee's loopy handwriting. "I'm here to get Noah's note too."

Mason's eyes widen with panic. "Was he supposed to write one?"

My temperature rises slightly and I can feel the sweat starting under my arms. I don't want to be the one to ruin Kaylee's wedding. "Yes! They agreed to this last week." I whisper-yell so nobody catches on.

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