Chapter 50

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I pace back and forth, the square box in my pocket feeling like a fucking bomb

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I pace back and forth, the square box in my pocket feeling like a fucking bomb. Lexi's in the shower, singing and washing her body after her run on the beach. I glance at my watch again and notice she only has about fifteen minutes to get ready for the appointment I had her at the massage parlor. 

It's our last night of at the resort in St. Lucia. This week has flown by between laying on the beach, getting tangled up in the sheets, and drinking our way through the pool bar. Today, we tried four different cocktails at the swim up bar at our resort then stumbled down to our cabana on the beach. Making out with Lexi while the waves crashed on the shore has been permanently burned into my brain and filed under 'best memories'. But tonight will be the best memory of them all. 

If only she'd get out of the shower and out of our room. 

I walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Baby are you almost done?" I yell, hoping she can hear me over her music. She ignores me and continues to sing along to Taylor Swift's Love Story. If she only knew her love story would end with Romeo proposing tonight too.

I open the door and walk in while she rubs the shampoo out of her hair. I stop and stare because well I'm a guy and my girl is naked. Between her singing and the steam of the shower, she's managed to fog up the mirror. I continue to stare until she catches me out of the corner of her eye and screams. 

"What are you doing? I am having me time!" she shrieks, pointing at me, accusing me of ruining her mojo. 

I continue to stare as her breasts jiggle with each movement as she yells at me. "Baby I'll watch you scream at me all the time if this is the view."

She shakes her head and turns around, giving me the perfect view of her ass and showing off her new tan lines. "Yep, still a great view. Face it, you're hot as fuck." 

She shuts off the shower and steps out onto the plush gray mat. She wrings out her hair over the tub and looks at me quizzically. "Uh, can you hand me that towel please?" she asks, motioning to the white towel hanging up next to me. 

"Do I have to?" I ask her breasts. She rolls her eyes and points to the towel. I grab it and wrap her in it, slowly drying her shoulders, chest, and arms then slide it down her body, drying her stomach, ass, and legs. Next thing I know I'm on my knees in front of her, my dick pressing behind the zipper of my khakis and before I know what I'm doing, I place a kiss above her clit. 

"Mason." she hisses, her voice tight. 

I leave a trail of kisses down her pussy then bury my face in between her thighs. I lick and suck my way until she's weak in the knees and grabbing the wall for support. With every 'oh fuck' and 'my god' I keep going, starting slowly then increasing the pace. She starts grinding against my face, taking what she needs before I take her to the edge and she comes undone, riding out her orgasm while I lick her lightly and grab the back of her legs to keep her steady. 

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