Chapter 16

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Giants All-Star hitter, Mason Young, is officially off the market! Click here to check out pictures of the mystery woman!

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Giants All-Star hitter, Mason Young, is officially off the market! Click here to check out pictures of the mystery woman!

I rub my temples in an attempt to get rid of the pounding headache. Mason wasn't kidding. His relationship status is and always will be a hot topic with the media. Against my better judgement, I click on the link and look at the pictures of mine and Mason's day around San Francisco. So we weren't as alone as I thought we were. At least I was having a phenomenal hair day, that's a plus.

"You can't go down the rabbit hole reading articles about your relationship." Adrianna says, peering over my shoulder.

I click X on the tab quickly. "It just popped up when I was looking for our promotional article about Riley's upcoming album." I say, returning my attention to the spreadsheet of venues.

Adrianna sighs. "Lexi you don't have to lie. Not to me. I understand what it's like to want to read what people are saying about you but it's not good for your relationship or your mental health."

I nod. "I know. It's just nobody even knows what's really going on about us. Why are they writing articles about something they don't know?"

She shoots me a tight smile. "Because they get paid to gossip. It's not fair that they can ruin someone's life over a quick dollar but that's how it is. My best advice is to turn off all comments on your social media posts and don't ever read articles about your relationship."

I let out a deep breath, knowing she's right. I didn't spend the last few years working on my mental health to fall right back down the dark hole. "I'll stop. Now please help me squeeze into this dress."

We're getting ready in the fanciest hotel I've ever stayed in. I told Mason I was comfortable with getting ready at home but he insisted it would be easier to get ready in the hotel, especially since we're staying here tonight. Mason got ready much earlier then left to go do some interviews for national media about to hours ago. He told me to relax and pamper myself before the event tonight, but my workaholic tendencies did not let that happen. Instead, I spent the day making meetings, organizing spreadsheets, and reading press releases until my eyes started to cross. 

She laughs and walks over to me to help me shimmy into the ribbed dress. "For the record, I did not vote for this dress."

"I know, that's why I picked it." I tease. "Plus, I know Mason likes this color on me."

Adrianna takes the dress off the hanger while I throw my robe on the chair. I feel a little self conscious standing in just my no-show thong, but this dress does not allow for a bra. Plus, it has built in cups that will give my boobs a push-up. 

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