Chapter 36

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"And this was tested on how many college campuses?" I ask, scrolling through the app one more time to see how user friendly it is

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"And this was tested on how many college campuses?" I ask, scrolling through the app one more time to see how user friendly it is. 

"Twenty. All with great feedback. There were a couple concerns about profiles, but we took care of that. They're more transparent now." says the web developer. I can't remember his name, but he looks exactly like the guy who invented Facebook just a little skinner with thick square glasses. 

"Transparent how?" I ask, scrolling to the profile section. This app needs to be perfect. It's set to launch in three weeks and there's a ton of media coverage happening around it. Like everything else in my life, my app was leaked to the public. 

He reaches over my arm and starts pointing where to click. "A few girls wanted to see a real video of the person before he came to walk her home. We added a Facetime feature that's integrated through the app. This way before a girl clicks 'Yes walk me home', so she can Facetime to make sure he's of sound mind and is who he says he is."

I click on the Facetime option and end up seeing Adrianna's face on the other side of the screen. "Well, you certainly don't look like a Jacob." I laugh, looking at the demo profile. 

"When we rolled this model type out in the test markets, the girls loved it. Everyone who voted neutral or slightly agree to the safety scales, all tipped to definitely agree." he goes on, pulling up the PowerPoint with the feedback from over a thousand women.  

"Wow." is the only word that comes to my mind. I take in the charts, the written feedback, the scalable feedback and smile. "I'll pay whatever it took for you to include that feature."

"No need." he says, "We all know someone who's been affected by sexual assault. I'm happy to help in any way I can." 

I nod, not pressing him on who it was closest to him, but his admission makes me feel better about what we're doing here.

"Mason good to see you son. How's it going in here?" Clark asks, coming through the door and shaking my hand. I haven't seen Clark in close to three months, but he did help me secure more than enough investors for my app launch. 

"Good. We're finishing up the final touches to the app. Our launch is in about two to three weeks. Adrianna has all of the information for you." I answer, setting my phone down. 

"That's good to hear. Did you get the ambassador you were hoping for?" he asks, taking a seat at the conference table. He picks up my phone and launches the app, scrolling through it the same way I was. 

I rub the back of my head. "Uh, yeah. About that. We did, we got her, but she's not doing media interviews. I'm going to answer any questions afterwards and I was hoping you would too from an investor's perspective." 

"That's fine. Can I ask why she doesn't want to talk to them?" he says, closing the app and handing me back my phone. I shove it in my pocket and debate how to answer this with keeping Lexi's privacy in mind. 

"She's new in the recovery process. She's much better, but this is the first time she's going to get up and explain what happened to her and why this app can help combat this." 

He looks at me, confusion spreading across his wrinkled face. "I don't think I follow what you're saying."

"I don't want to go into too much detail but she's important to me and she asked to not do any type of interviews. She's still working through it every day as are the rest of the men and women who will be in attendance." I explain, hoping he follows that. 

"Understood. I'm bringing my daughters to the launch, I'm hoping they can spread the word on their own campuses. A little bit of free word-of-mouth advertising." he says, chuckling. 

"Great idea sir. I'll see you back here in a few weeks. I actually have to get back to San Francisco. I'm taking my girl on vacation tonight." I say, grabbing my bag. He nods then shakes my hand and I head out the door, down the steps and to the car waiting to take me to the airport. 

I stuff the oversized green sweater into my suitcase then sit on top of it and drag the zipper shut

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I stuff the oversized green sweater into my suitcase then sit on top of it and drag the zipper shut. I really have got to learn to pack lighter but you never know when you might need an extra outfit. I stand the suitcase up then walk over to my toiletry bag, dumping in my toothpaste, toothbrush kit, and floss. I take one last look around my room before deciding on throwing in an extra pair of boots.

Mason is taking me away for a week to Lake Tahoe and the weather can be very unpredictable with highs in the upper 80s and lows in the mid-30s. Now you can see why my suitcase is packed with outfits for any kind of weather. While I'm excited to see the cabin he has in the mountains there, I'm also a little nervous about being away from work for a week right now. Riley's album just dropped and I have another new artist I'm supposed to meet with soon. 

My phone pings on the kitchen counter, bringing me out of my thoughts. I walk into the kitchen and pick it up, seeing a text from Mason. 

Let me know when you get the airport. I'm excited to have you all to myself for 7 days. I love you ❤️

I smile and write him back to let him know I'm leaving soon when there's a small knock on my door. Nate opens the door slowly, peering around to make sure I'm all good before swinging it the whole way open. 

"Ready to go? I have the car waiting downstairs." 

"Yes, thank you. I'm just grabbing my last few things." I say, grabbing my jacket that I know I'll need for the plane. I'm always freezing on the plane and I know I'll get stuck with the vent right underneath me. 

"Let me grab your bag." he says, throwing my bag over his shoulder and wheeling my suitcase out into the hall. "Good news, I found you a security guard. Whenever you come back from your trip, she'll be here. Her name is Noelle and she's a tough cookie. Served four years in the Marines and three years as a private security detail to some models here in LA." 

I lock my door then join him at the elevator. "Thank you, Nate, I really appreciate it. I'm sure she's wonderful." 

He adjusts the strap of my bag over his shoulder before looking at me. "I know you're not thrilled about having a security guard but I'll make sure I go over everything with her. Tell her how you like to be a few feet ahead when out in public, all of that good stuff." 

We step into the elevator and head down to the lobby, Nate filling me in about Noelle's resume. He puts my bags into the car then helps me into the car before filling the driver's seat. 

"I'm sure this will all be temporary anyway, you know after Mason proposes." he says, nonchalantly before pulling out onto the road. My mind is so preoccupied with going through last minute work emails that I almost don't hear him until it processes and hits me.

"Wait, WHAT?" I screech.

*Author's note: A filler chapter to get us to the actual vacation and I wanted to provide a little update for the app launch! Next chapter is all about Lexi & Mason's vacation and future. 

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