Chapter 17

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Mason pulls out my seat at the table, motioning me to sit, before taking his own seat

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Mason pulls out my seat at the table, motioning me to sit, before taking his own seat. His parents sit across from us and I realize we are one of the only four-person tables in the entire room. Maybe Mason arranged for this since it's the first time I'm meeting his parents but something tells me he didn't think far enough ahead for that. The caterers waste no time bringing over the first course consisting of a fancy salad and little breads with various veggies on top. Mason pops at least five of them in his mouth in no time. Me? Well I'm staring at the three different forks around my plate, wondering which one I'm suppose to use first.

"The medium sized one to the left." Mason whispers, wiping his hands on his napkin.

I suck in a breath and pray my cheeks don't get red. "Thank you." I whisper back. A server comes over and offers us a taste of wine. He pours my glass half full but I tell him to keep pouring until it's filled to the top. Something tells me I'm going to need a lot of alcohol to get through this evening.

"So Lexi, Mason tells us you're in the music industry." Frank starts.

"Uh yeah, I'm an A&R manager at Timeless Publishing Music Group. So I help songwriters get their songs noticed by artists and work out deals with movies and tv shows." I say, taking a fork full of salad. I barely ate today between the nerves and knowing I had to squeeze into this little number.

"Is that the same company you left Mason for?" his mom asks.

Talk about a low blow. I wonder if she knows the truth or just Mason's side. I swallow, trying to recover from the comment while Mason apologizes for his mom's honesty.

"Yes it's the same company."

"And it's in Los Angeles?"

I nod. "It is."

She shakes her head disapproving. "Well then how is this going to work. You're five hours from each other and Mason travels for half of the year."

"Mother, that's our business, not yours." Mason interrupts.

"We make it work." I say at the same time.

"How?" she questions.

"Mom." Mason warns, "Please stop. We're here to have a good time." 

I gulp down the rest of my wine as the server comes back over to refill it to the same spot as last time. I drink half of it in no time and I contemplate asking him to just leave the whole bottle. Mason slides a hand into my lap and gives my thigh a squeeze. My breasts immediately pucker while I clench my legs together. It's been almost two weeks since we had sex and my vibrator isn't getting the job done. Mason cocks his head to the sideway, baiting me to look at him, but instead I finish the rest of my salad. 

"I have to ask," his mom starts again, "you are going to move wherever Mason ends up this offseason right?"

The offseason? Wouldn't he stay in San Francisco with his team? Unless....

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