Chapter 10

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I drop my bag on the floor while Lexi makes her way to the fridge

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I drop my bag on the floor while Lexi makes her way to the fridge. I offered to stop to get takeout on the way home but she insisted on coming home to cook. It feels kind of nice to have her cooking in my kitchen but I'm nervous about getting used to this. I wish she didn't have to leave on Sunday. I feel like I can breathe again when she's around.

Lexi pulls out all the fixings for a grilled chicken garden salad. I walk towards her and stop at the cabinet above her head to grab bowls and forks. I set them next to her, knocking into her hand.

Electricity shoots through me from the subtle contact and I steal a quick glance at her, hoping we can pick up where we left off this morning. She was on the edge of breaking down a wall until her boss interrupted us. Her lips are parted while her eyes are struggling to stay focused on the ingredients in front of her. I decide to push my luck and run my fingers up her arm, earning me a sharp inhale. She closes her eyes and takes a step backward.

"I want you." she murmurs.

That's all I needed for my primal instincts to take over. I grab the back of her head, smashing my lips into hers and pulling her lips into mine. I work my lips down her neck, landing on the sweet sensitive spot I knew would drive her wild. She sighs and slides her hands around my neck.

"Mason." She moans. Fuck I missed her. Missed the way she felt in my arms and the way her body melts into mine. She reaches for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head, and runs her hands up my chest. Goosebumps appear on my body but I'm anything besides cold. I pick her up and set her on the counter, pushing my basket of fruit to the floor.

I move my mouth back to hers, slipping my tongue in her mouth while I rip open her shirt and unhook the black bra, tossing it to the side. She sighs and runs her hands through my hair, deepening the kiss. I step back to admire her, her luscious tits on full display, until she growls and pulls me back in for another round. We're like magnets, always being pulled back together by a strong force.

Her hands fumble with my zipper as I work mouth down her chest to her tits, sucking and biting them until she starts squirming.

"I need you inside me." She pants giving a hard tug on the zipper, finally releasing my straining cock.

I grab a condom out of my back pocket then discard my jeans and boxers quickly. Her delicate hand grips my shaft and she starts pumping her hand up and down as my whole body quivers. Fuck this feels amazing.

Her other hand brings my mouth towards her, slipping her tongue inside. Her hands works me faster and her tongue matches her pumping and the feeling is too much. I'm trying to think of anything gross to stop myself from coming. I rip myself from her, barely stopping my load from blowing. My heart hammers against my chest and she bites her lip, cheeks flushed.

"I want to feel you. All of you." she says, tossing the condom package behind her.

My heart stops beating as I study her to see if she's being serious. She wants me to be bare? I've never done that before, I always wrap it up. She stares at me, waiting for me to say something but my mind is clouded with the thought of being in her completely raw. It's definitely going to feel amazing and it's something I've wanted to do with her, but she's still fighting me on being back together. And I'm pretty sure she's never done it before either. Tonight doesn't feel like the right time.

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