Chapter 42

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I'm pissed

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I'm pissed. I can feel it growing inside me for the next four hours while I'm surrounded by friends and family. I'm doing a pretty good job of hiding it from everyone except Lexi. She keeps sneaking peeks at me and bites her lip whenever I return her look. She's not hiding her feelings nearly as well and part of me feels bad, but the other part is seeing red.

I'm mad she told Riley before she told me. I'm mad she didn't tell me at all. But most of all, I'm mad she felt like she had to hide it from me. I thought we were going into this second chance with no secrets and open communication, but it seems like I've been the only one doing that. I head over to the bar but instead of ordering another beer like I would've when I was 21, I order a water. I know we're talking about this when we get home and the last thing I need to be is hammered for it.

I down the water then quickly order another one when I feel someone standing beside me, their body brushing mine. I thank the bartender then look to my left. The first thing I'm met with are sorrow-filled blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." she whispers. "This isn't how I wanted you to find out."

"Not now." I reply coolly then turn and walk over towards my teammates. It takes everything in me to not turn back around and pull her into my arms, her face obviously crushed by my lack of empathy but I have to hold my ground on this.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." my mom says, kissing my cheek and hugging me. "Frank and I are going to get going. We can't party all night like you young kids."

I laugh and hug her back. "Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it. I'll see you both on Thursday for Thanksgiving, right?"

She pulls back while Frank nods. "We wouldn't miss it. Come on darling let's get you back to the hotel." He holds out his arm for her to take and she smiles at him like he's her whole world. I'm glad my mom finally found happiness and someone to make sure she gets home okay because her eyes were definitely a little bloodshot from the gin tonics she was drinking.

More guests begin to tell me happy birthday and take off before it's just me, Lexi, and her sisters. Mia's over by the dessert table helping Lexi package everything together and by the looks of it, they're talking about me. Mia keeps looking over at me then whipping her head back around when I catch her.

"Might as well wear a sign that says 'I'm talking about you'." Ella laughs, finishing the rest of her champagne, scaring the shit out of me. "Whoops, didn't mean to scare you there birthday boy."

I take a look at her, her body swaying to the side and her cheeks flushed, just like Lexi's when she's drunk. I guess all the girls in this family are lightweights. "Okay." I say, grabbing her arm and leading her over to a high-top chair at the bar. "I think someone's had a little too much to drink tonight."

She nods, agreeing with everything I'm saying. "You got that right. And all on my baby sister's dime."

I laugh and help her into the seat then signal to the bartender for a water. He brings over four glasses, setting all of them in front of Ella. I start to pull the streamers off the bar while Ella twists the little black straw in her cup, staring at me like she wants to say something.

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