Chapter 28

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I stare out my office window, taking in the crystal blue sky, lost in thought

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I stare out my office window, taking in the crystal blue sky, lost in thought. Mason dropped me off at the airport late last night and I'm having a serious case of the Monday blues.

He kissed me and told me to think about his offer as if I could focus on anything else. On one hand I'd love to be an advocate and help other young women, but the thought of describing what happened to me outside the walls of Morgan's office terrifies me.

Standing up in front of a room full of strangers waiting to hear me speak makes my skin crawl. Then there's the whole paparazzi that will come with it. They already hound Mason and I when we go for morning coffee or out to dinner, I can't imagine what the headlines will say when they find out his girlfriend was assaulted.

It shouldn't matter what the headlines say, I understand that. But even if I don't look at it, my parents will see it at the grocery store. Ella will hear about from other teachers at the school she teaches at, and Mia will see it in her hair salon. It'll be impossible for anyone close to me to get away from it as well and that's my worst fear.

The clock on my wall ticks with every minute passing by. I've been staring at my computer screen, reading the excel sheet in front of me but not comprehending it. I need to start calling venues and stadiums and confirming Riley's concert dates since we're announcing his album and tour next week. I push the app out of my mind and start calling around, marking off every confirmation.

A small knock on the door snaps me out of my focus and I look up to see Brooke with two oversized salads and a guilty smile.

"I'd be lying if I said I brought these just because. I want to hear all about your birthday weekend with Mr. MVP." She commands, setting the salad down in front of me.

"He's not MVP." I say, taking the lid off of my salad then smile. "Yet."

She laughs before shoving a spoonful of salad into her mouth. "Lex, details."

"It was great, really everything was perfect." She gives me a pointed look. "But he did ask me something before I left."

Her eyes widen in shock as she jumps up and grabs my left hand. "Oh my god he proposed didn't he!" she shrieks. She inspects my hand and frowns when she doesn't see a ring. "Why aren't you wearing it?"

I snatch my hand away and sigh. "He didn't propose Brooke. We've only been back together for about two months." 

She tilts her head to the side, calling me out on my bullshit. "Oh please. That man would've got down on one knee when we ran into him in the bar if you would've said yes. He's in love with you Lexi. He's never stopped being in love with you." 

I stab a piece of chicken with my fork and eat it while I mull over my response. I trust her more than anyone else in L.A. but I'm not sure how neutral she would be in this situation. "Brooke, he didn't propose. He asked me if I'd be an advocate."

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