Chapter 41

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I fluff my hair in the mirror before applying a little bit of powder to my face

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I fluff my hair in the mirror before applying a little bit of powder to my face. I know it's no use since Mason will say one little dirty joke and I'll be redder than a tomato, but it makes me feel better. Like I tried to conceal my blushing.

I hear him rustling the covers and I know he's only seconds from waking up. He'll be confused at first when he slings his arm over and my body isn't there to catch it. He'll pop open an eye then a scowl will take over his face. Then he'll yell, "Lexi" and when I don't come running in two seconds, he'll sit upright and rub his eyes. I know this man too damn well.

As if on cue I hear, "Lexi" from the bedroom. I flip my hair one more time, running my hands through it, then step out of the master bathroom. I strut into the room and stop in front of him, completely naked. "Happy birthday." I say with a bright smile.

His brown eyes glaze over with arousal while his lips slightly part, letting out an audible groan. His hands reach out, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer. "Good lord Lexi, you are a work of art. Get over here."

"Oh this?" I say nonchalantly, running my hands down my bare stomach. "It's just something I've been working on."

And it's true. I was never diagnosed with an eating disorder, but I was skipping breakfast or dinner during my mental health struggles. Ever since Mason came back into my life, he always made sure I was eating more than what I was burning in workouts. And boy does it show. My face is fuller, my arms aren't as bony, and I even have two or three rolls when I sit now. The scale says I've gained about ten pounds, but I finally look and feel healthy. All thanks to him.

He laughs, that boyish smile I love lighting up his face. "Do you know what the sexiest thing about you is?"

"Definitely my ass." I declare, pushing him back onto the bed and straddle his hips. I wiggle my ass for added affect as if he needed any.

He grabs my hips and pulls me in for a steamy kiss that turns my brain to mush. "That's not even your best feature baby."

I deepen the kiss, sending all of the sexy talk I had planned out the window. Oh well, I'm not the dirty talker in this relationship anyway.

I sit back on my knees after what he said finally made it to my brain. "Then what is?" Personally, I like to think my ass is my best asset.

He sits up right, his erection poking my clit through his shorts. Gently, he rubs my cheek as he gazes into my eyes. "Those deep blue eyes. They get me every single time."

I smile, taken back by his words and it's times like this I wish I could see myself from his point of view. Until I gasp at the playful smack on my ass.

"But this is second best." he says, wiggling his brows. Such a guy.

"Take this off." I demand, pulling at the hemline of his t-shirt. He rips it off in seconds, his muscles bulging from the move. Sweet lord I love baseball players. "How is it possible you got hotter since college."

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