Chapter 22

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I roll my suitcase across the white tile floors of the San Francisco airport, my eyes darting in every direction

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I roll my suitcase across the white tile floors of the San Francisco airport, my eyes darting in every direction. I check my watch again to make sure I'm on time. 9:30pm glares back at me, letting me know that I'm on schedule and Mason is late. I glance to the right then the left before I focus on the handsome man in the middle with a sign that says, 'Miss Lexi Olson'. I roll my eyes, strolling towards him, and into his open arms.

"Hi baby. Sorry I'm late." He says, planting a kiss on my head. "Happy Birthday."

"My birthday isn't until tomorrow but thank you." 

"I know, I have the whole day morning planned out for us followed by a suite all to yourself tomorrow night at the game." 

I cock my eyebrow. "I don't want to be alone on my birthday."

He grabs my bag, rolling it down the floor and out the door. "You won't be. Kris's wife will be there and so will Adrianna."

I nod, feeling a slight pain in my chest. As happy as I am about spending my birthday weekend with Mason, I miss my own friends and family terribly. I haven't seen my parents for a birthday since I turned eighteen and my sisters since my twenty-first. I always thought getting older would be glamorous but now that I'm here, I find it's just ordering myself takeout and being sung to over Facetime. 

"Are you okay?" he asks me, opening my car door. 

I shoot him a sad smile. "Yeah, I'm okay." 

His eyes shine as his smile lights up his face. "Good because I have a special date planned for us tonight." 


An hour later, I'm dressed in a new pair of soft shorts and an oversize long sleeved Giants shirt sitting at Mason's island with a spread of dessert that every girl would die for. Various cheesecakes, brownies, gelato, and chocolate covered pretzels. My eyes are bugging out while my stomach is begging me to put anything in it. I can't decide what to start with first.

"This all looks so good." I sigh, grabbing a paper plate. Per usual, Mason went way overboard. I would've been okay with one or two, but this gracious man has gotten my seven different options. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mason asks, setting a timer on the stove. 

I grimace. "Honestly, I'm a little sad. I miss my family. I haven't seen them since Mia's wedding in March." 

If I could do my job in Boston I would. Dad's health has been declining a little bit over the past year. He insists it's not that bad, but he had a heart attack last Christmas and scared the hell out of us. We were sitting around the dining room table, sipping wine, and watching him carve the ham when suddenly he started to struggle to breath. He sat down claiming he was about to pass out then grabbed his chest. Ella dialed 9-1-1- and ten minutes later we were in the car riding behind him in the ambulance. They stabilized him and told us he needed to start watching what he ate and to exercise more. They put him on high blood pressure pills and even though he's lost twenty pounds since then, he still needs to lose about ten to fifteen more to be in moderate zone. 

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