Chapter 13

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Mason's POV

I adjust my bag on my shoulder and head out the players door. I scan the crowd until I find Lexi standing off to the side talking to Kris and his wife. I sneak up behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She laughs then twists around and kisses me hard.

Damn, a man could get used to this.

"Sorry to steal her away from you guys but this is my last night with her." I say, dragging Lexi away from the group.

"Maybe it doesn't have to be."

I stop in my tracks, staring at her while trying to decipher her words. "What do you mean?"

She grabs my hand and continues to pull me towards the car. "Someone may have mentioned to me that you need a date for a couple of upcoming events."

Adrianna. I knew I shouldn't have left her alone with Lexi. "I hope she didn't pressure you. I'm okay with going alone."

She leans against my car and peers up at me. "So you don't want me to go?" She teases.

"Of course I want you to go but I don't want to move too fast and lose you. If you're not ready for the red carpets, I'm okay with that." I answer honestly.

I'd love to have her on my arm at these events, hell knows I get a ton of shit from other players and my teammates about never taking a date. And while I've gone on a few first dates over the years, none of them got a second. I knew from the moment I became the face of the MLB that fancy events and red carpets would be strictly for a serious girlfriend, not a cleat chaser.

"I'll go." she says, toying with my hoodie strings. "On one condition."

"What's that?" 

She pulls my strings, forcing my face inches from hers. I can feel her breath on my lips as she whispers, "Take me home and show me what I've been missing." 


I drop my bag on the floor as Lexi reaches for the hem of my shirt. "Help me take this off. I wanna see you." 

I rip off my shirt and throw it across the room as my hands find her hips, pulling her close. Her breath hitches as her hips knock into mine, sending my dick upright. Her lips find mine, smooth and soft, and I sigh into her mouth. She releases a breathy moan as our tongues meet, fighting for dominance. Her hands slide into my thick hair as she pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. My mind is racing through so many ideas of where we could take this but I silence them, making myself enjoy this moment. I move my lips from hers and down her jaw until I reach the sensitive part of her neck. She starts panting before tracing her fingers down my arms, releasing goosebumps all over my bare skin. My dick thickens behind my boxers, threating to leak precum. 

"Let's take this to bedroom." I say, my voice thick and raspy from her touch. I pick her up and gently place her around my waist while she wraps her arms around my neck. "That's the best idea you've had all weekend." she whispers in my ear.

I hurry to the bedroom and lay her down before taking a step back to admire her. "You're so beautiful." 

She laughs then sits up to take off her shirt. "I'm not even naked yet." 

I kneel next to her and start to work her shorts down her long, shapely legs. "You don't need to be for me to love you." 

She turns toward me, eyes swimming with emotions, before pulling me down on top of her. I slip my tongue back in, mimicking the strokes my dick will do later. Her hands fly to the waistband of my shorts where she starts to work them and my boxers down my body. I feel the fabric punch at my ankles and in one swift motion I kick them to the ground. She keeps kissing me for what feels like hours even though I know it's only been maybe ten minutes. 

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