Chapter 37

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"Are you okay?" I ask, flipping my tie underneath and knotting it

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"Are you okay?" I ask, flipping my tie underneath and knotting it. Lexi keeps staring at me but when I catch her eye she looks away. 

"Uh yeah I'm fine. Are you okay? You seem nervous." she says quickly, smoothing her hands down her dress. She looks damn good in that blue shade and the material hugs every curve, taunting me to rip if off of her. 

"Lexi I'm fine. But you've been acting weird the last few days." I say, taking a step closer towards her.

When we got into Lake Tahoe, she was looking around like a photographer was going to jump out of the bushes and take her picture. When we were sitting around the fire the first night, she kept smoothing down her hair. Then on our hike, she kept staring at my dick, at least I think she was staring at my dick, and setting up her tripod to take pictures of us in front of the mountains. She seemed on edge and constantly making sure she looked perfect. It's not like her. 

"Nope I'm good." she answers, wrapping another strand of hair around her curling iron. She lets it sit there for a few seconds then unwinds the hair from the tool. I watch it fall down her back, cascading with the other waves. I want to wrap it in my fist and pull her back into bed, but we've already spent every spare minute we have in it. I'm afraid she might be a little sore especially after this morning. 

"You can talk to me you know?" I say, moving towards her and taking the iron from her. She looks forward, staring back at me in the mirror while I grab the loose strands at the back and wrap them around the iron. I've watched her struggle enough with trying to get every piece in the back that I know when it's my time to take over. 

"I'm okay really." she says, her voice a little shaky. I don't believe her for a second but I drop it anyway. 

"Okay. You look beautiful. The restaurant has a beautiful view of the lake that I'm sure you'll want to see." I tell her, finishing the last of her hair. She fluffs it out with her hand and adds some hairspray to it before applying her lipstick. 

"Sounds great. We should see that first." she says, grabbing her purse and heading for the door. I grab my coat and keys then follow her out the door, hoping she'll tell me what's bothering her.



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