Chapter 15

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"So what are you proposing we do about the app then?" a grey-haired man says, taking notes in his black portfolio

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"So what are you proposing we do about the app then?" a grey-haired man says, taking notes in his black portfolio. Clark is my biggest investor in my foundation and has been helping me every step of the way with getting this app up and running across the country. His open-mindness is one of the reason I picked him to help with the creation and implementation. It also doesn't hurt that he has four daughters. 

"We have to find a way to do quick but thorough background checks. The whole point is to make women of all ages feel safe." I say, adjusting my suit. 

"But you think this app is best used on a college campus." Another investor says, clicking his pen.

"I do. I think we're at the stage where we need a woman's opinion. Adrianna." I say, gesturing towards her. 

Adrianna stands up and adjust her dark purple pants suit and begins to pace around the room in her black pumps. "Listen gentleman, do you know what a woman's biggest fear is walking home at night is? Or back to their car in a parking garage?"

"I could take a few guesses, but I'd rather hear it from a woman anyway." says Clark. 

"Being attacked by a man. Do you know how many women are attacked a day in the United States?" she asks, stopping infront of the white board.

Silence falls over the room as everyone perches on their seat, waiting for her next words. 

"600. 600 women will become a victim of assault, physical or sexual. Do you know many that happens to in a day?"

More silence falls over the room as the men weigh this new information. Me? Well I've done all the research on it, so the staggering numbers don't hit me as hard anymore. Instead, they fuel me to make a change in the world. 

" 1 in 3. That means Clark one of your daughters would be a victim." Adrianna says, before picking up a black dry erase marker and writing the number on the board. "So how do we stop this? Well the ARO app is just one step."

Clark's eyebrows shoot up as she re-reads the statistic. "And how will it work."

"If you could please turn to page 4, I can show you concrete examples. A woman would go into the app and request an escort. She is able to pick from the available men in the area and then they'll meet her wherever she's at then walk her to her destination."

Another investor swivels in his chair, thinking it over. "And how do we know both parties will be safe?" 

"Every walker will be subjected to a rigorous background check and in-person interview. Police records, personal interviews, mental health exams will all be conducted before they are hired as a walker. Each walker will have a fully detailed profile that women can read before requesting them. We ultimately are aiming for men who have military or police, firemen, or EMS experience."

"And for the women?" Clark asks. 

Adrianna smiles. "They will be subjected to a fully detailed profile as well that the men will be able to see before accepting to be their walker. Our goal is safety for everyone. There will be no catfish. When a walk begins between the two parties, the women will have to put their location on as well as keep as phone call active with a representative listening in."

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