Chapter 23

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I take a step back, thrown off guard by the people standing infront of me, until my eyes meet my parents. My dad with his arm around my moms shoulder, both of them decked out in Giant's gear.

"Mom." I whisper, my eyes tearing up from the overload of emotions. How the hell did they get here? They hate flying.

"Happy birthday sweetie." She says, the moisture behind her eyes matching mine.

I leap forward and hug both of them, overcome with happiness. Quickly realizing my dad had to have flown here, I take a step back and examine him, making sure his condition hasn't worsened.

"I'm fine honey. I promise. I just got a checkup at the doctor before we flew out here." He says, pulling me in for another hug. Relief flows through me knowing his heart is returning to a normal level. He had a few heart murmurs after the heart attack that kept me up at night praying to a higher power to make them disappear.

"How did you get here?" I ask, knowing they don't know how to book a flight. Hence why I fly to them whenever I can.

"Mason obviously." I hear a shrill voice from the corner of the suite. My head snaps over to see Kaylee standing next to Mason's former roommate, Noah, with a massive diamond on her left hand while Gia bounces her baby boy in her arms.

"Happy birthday girlfriend!" Gia says, her baby clapping in response.

"What in the world are you two doing here!" I exclaim, running over for a group hug. They throw their arms around me for a long overdue embrace.

"As if we would miss your quarter-life crisis birthday." Kaylee teases. "Welcome to your mid-20's! It's all downhill from here babe."

"Oh please, this is when life gets good." Noah says from behind her. I watch his hand linger on her back before returning to his side. When the hell did that happen?

Before I can ask, the doors to the suite swing open as a team of servers file in with trays of food and beverage stations. Platters of sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, and cookies are placed on the granite counter while the beverages are laid out on a pop-up table. One more item comes wheeling in, a pink and gold birthday cake that reads "Happy Birthday Lexi".

"Food is here. Everyone come eat before first pitch in fifteen minutes." Adrianna shouts, directing my family and friends to the line. Everyone begins filling their platers, chatter bouncing off the walls as they catch up and find a seat. I make it to mine just after the starting lineup is announced and settle in to watch my man.

"How are you doing sweetheart?" my dad asks, polishing off his second sandwich. I zero in on what he's eating before he shakes his head at me. "I brought my latest results from the doctor because I didn't think you'd believe me. They're sitting in your email."

I nod and fight the urge to look. I know I shouldn't be this overprotective but I'd be lying if I said seeing him get taken out in an ambulance wasn't traumatizing. "I'm doing well, really well actually."

"But are you happy?" He presses on in an uncharacteristic interrogation.

I tilt my head to the side, pondering it. I'm beyond happy with Mason but my job, which is normally my first love, isn't bringing me the same joy it once did. Part of that is my fault for getting involved with my artist but I'm not the first one nor the last to do it in this industry.

"I'm happiest in San Francisco." I answer truthfully. The crowd cheers at the crack of the bat, signaling a homerun for the Giants.

He nods, understanding why. "And what about your job?"

"It has its ups and downs like every job." I watch Mason come up to bat, digging his cleats into the dirt, while his upper body starts swaying. He twists the bat in his hands staring down the pitcher trying to guess his pitch.

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