Chapter 32

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I shift underneath the soft gray blanket Brooke positioned on me before she left

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I shift underneath the soft gray blanket Brooke positioned on me before she left. It's only ten a.m. and I'm already exhausted from coming home from the hospital. Mason wanted to be the one to take me home, but he had a meeting in San Francsico with Adrianna this morning and won't fly in until this afternoon. As always, Brooke stepped up and brought me home. "It's no big deal, I'd do anything for you!" she had said when I called her early this morning to see if she was available. 

She came to my room at seven, two hours earlier than when needed with Nate the bodyguard, to pack up my stuff, help me change into my going home clothes, and to listen to the doctor's final parting notes. Secretly, I think Mason asked her to do it, but I didn't ask. I'm just happy I wasn't alone throughout my hospital stay. She took care of everything, giving my apartment a good wipe down, settling me on the couch, unpacking my bag, and setting up my laptop incase I wanted to work a little today. Nate decided to stand guard outside my door even though I told him several times to make himself at home in my apartment. 

"Oh! One more thing." she had exclaimed setting down her purse. "A blanket incase the AC freezes you out." 

She proceeded to run back to my bedroom, grabbing the blanket and fixing it over my legs. "There. Now you're perfect. Call me if you need anything." she said, opening the door. "I'm only a few miles away."

And with a slam of the door and the deadbolt turned, she was gone and the silence took over. I tried to get comfortable on the couch to take a nap, but it wasn't nearly as comfortable as my bed. Damn it, I know I could get up and walk to it but honestly I just don't want to. Instead, I grabbed my laptop and pulled up a spreadsheet for Riley's fall tour that was set to begin in just two weeks. A half hour later I had finalized a few venues and set a primarily promotional schedule when a soft knock on my door pulled me out of my zone. 

"Who is it?" I asked, still tapping away on my last sentence. Who could possibly be here? Brooke or Mason would've walked right in and Nate wouldn't have thought about it twice. 

The voice clears its throat. "Uh... it's Riley." 

My head snaps in the direction of the door, my heart rate increasing by the second. I shut my laptop, placing it on the coffee table and move towards the door. I peer through the peephole one more time, confirming it's him. 

"Should I let him in Miss Olson?" Nate asks, but I can't seem to find the words. 

"Lexi?" Riley asks again, his voice shaky. 

I unlock the door and swing it open. His face lights up and he smiles at me, taking a step forward. "I'm so glad you're okay." he says, embracing me in a tight hug. 

Nate takes a step closer, but I shake my head slightly, letting him know it's okay.

I'm taken back, but recover quickly, hugging him. "What are you doing here?" 

He walks in while I shut the door. He heads straight for the couch, making himself comfortable then pats the seat next to him. "Come. Sit down."

Now I know Riley would never hurt me, but I've seen one too many Criminal Minds episodes and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little freaked out right now. Like every other girl in a scary move, I ignore the pit in my stomach and join him on the couch. If I scream, Nate will bust that door down in two seconds. 

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