Chapter 43

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After we ate pizza and talked about how awful the last few days were, Mason helped me clean up my mess and stayed up until the late hours, helping me make the side dishes and desserts

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After we ate pizza and talked about how awful the last few days were, Mason helped me clean up my mess and stayed up until the late hours, helping me make the side dishes and desserts. He got up at 4am to put the turkey in the oven and came back to bed for a few more hours of sleep. Thanksgiving was great, our parents finally able to really talk in an intimate setting. The turkey didn't burn, I didn't drop the mashed potatoes this time, and everyone loved the homemade pumpkin pie. 

Mason's mom came with my sisters, my mom, and I for some Black Friday shopping and she got a crash course in how we operate. We get up at 6am, brew a big pot of coffee, and head out to start bargain shopping. Mason, Frank, and my dad slept in and went to play golf while we shopped until our feet hurt. It was nice to be surrounded by our loved ones and I thought how easy and natural it all felt. Our families melting together and becoming one. 

Sunday night I was panicking about turning down the job but Mason was there to calm me down and console me. Monday morning I walked into my office and told my boss. While he was disappointed, he was happy I'd be staying on his team in Los Angeles. Brooke was thrilled and took me to lunch to celebrate not leaving her.

Two weeks have passed since then and now I'm concerned with Christmas shopping, Christmas activities, and cookie baking. Oh and trying to find a house. I hate house shopping. I've been doing it for a week when Mason woke up and declared we needed more space. As much as I love my 1,500 square foot apartment, he's right. I had to give up half of my closet for his clothes, we put a ton of our stuff in storage, and his baseball equipment has taken up the small dining room area. We sat down and discussed that the house we buy will be our family home and then he gave me the budget.

And damn was it generous.

10 million dollars.

My mouth dropped. I argued that we couldn't afford that but he sat back in his chair and looked at me. "Baby we can afford more if you want. But I thought we could buy a nice house for that much." 

"How much money do you make?" I asked. Truth is I never looked at his first contract even though it was public.

"My contract with the Giants was 5-years, $80 million. So if you want to buy a $30 million dollar home we can do that."

My mouth dropped open. "You made that much money?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "Well, that money is taxed and I have to pay my trainer, PR team, Adrianna, and other people but yeah I got a decent amount of that money. I also get endorsement money too. Lexi the point is we are fine. Whatever house you want, buy it."

I shook my head and told him no, laying ground rules. "Mason, let's get one thing straight. We are going to live comfortably, but not extravagantly. We can do great things with that kind of money."

He nodded. "Of course. But I can raise the budget." 

I told him I could work with and now I'm looking at houses with way more bedrooms, bathrooms, and rooms that we could possibly need. I save six houses with potential, some of them in the budget, some a little over, but according to Mason, it's not a problem. 

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