Bonus Chapter 4- The Ice Cube Scene

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"That was incredible

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"That was incredible." I say, breathing deeply.

"You're the sweetest thing I've ever tasted." he says, standing up, smacking his lips together.

I smile, then start to get up when he pushes me back down. Confused, I look at him, silently asking what's going on.

"Wait here."

Wearing only his boxers, he dashes out of the room before returning just as quickly but with a bowl ice cubes. Curiously, I peer into the bowl while clear air begins to evaporate off of them.

He grins. "Round two." 

"Round two?" I ask, glancing at the bowl of ice cubes again, wondering what he's planning on doing with them. Sure, we experimented with the dominate-submissive act in college because it's a turn on for him. And well let's face it, it's a turn on for me too.

He takes on ice cube out and puts it in his mouth while he grabs another one and hovers over top of me. He winks at me then squeezes the ice cube, sending cold drips of water down my breasts. 

Oh fuck. 

My head rolls back into the sheets as the cold water runs over my taut nipples, sending a mixture of pleasure to my core. I whimper as he squeezes more, the excess water running down my stomach and towards my opening. If he doesn't touch me soon, I'm going to explode. The combination of the freezing water and my rising body temperature has unleashed a waterfall between my legs. I can't tell if it's from the new sensation or the anticipation. Either way, I need him to touch or squeeze something. Right. Now.

As if he can read my mind, he winks at me then lower his head, lips pressing cold kisses to my throbbing neck. My fingers lace his hair, urging him to move lower but he chuckles and stays on my neck instead. His left-hand stays beside my head while his other moves to the bowl of ice, grabbing a piece and swishing it around in his hand. Finally, he mouth moves lower, taking my straining nipple in his cold mouth, sending a new wave of pleasure through me. The coldness knocks the breath out of me while he takes the ice cube in his head and presses it against my clit.

"Oh fuck." I pant, as he continues to suck on my breast. "Fuck Mason."

His mouth releases my nipple as his eyes bore into mine. "Did I say you could talk?"

I shake my head because no way am I fucking up this moment of not having his mouth on my breasts again. 

"Good girl. Enjoy this as much as I am." he says, his mouth capturing my other nipple. 

The ice cube pressed against my clit melts from the intense heat between use, sending a freezing trickle of water into my vagina. Every single nerve in my body is on high alert, wounded together so tight I'm going to scream he doesn't make me come soon. Finally, he starts kissing me, moving lower on my stomach and resting right above my opening. I hold my breath in anticipation for his tongue to enter but instead he sits back on his knees and reaches for another ice cube, plopping one into his mouth, another in his hand.

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