Chapter 40

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"Hey man, how's it going?" Noah asks, holding out his hand to shake mine then slaps me on the back

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"Hey man, how's it going?" Noah asks, holding out his hand to shake mine then slaps me on the back. Kaylee screeches next him and pushes past us to embrace Lexi is a tight hug. Even though we're only in New York City for two days, we had to squeeze in time to see our best friends from college. 

"Good. We had a long day but we're excited to see you guys." I say, returning the slap on the back. I'm not sure when this became guy code to do the 'bro shake' but here we are. I slide into the booth opposite of Noah and when Kaylee is done freaking out over Lexi's outfit, they each sit next to us. 

"Tell me all about it. Were you nervous?" Kaylee asks, looking directly at Lexi. She looks more relaxed now since she didn't have to answer any media questions afterwards and she changed into a pair of ripped jeans, tight black sweater, and black boots. She looks so damn good we were a little to meet Noah and Kaylee. What can I say? We have a king size bed, I had to take advantage of it. 

"I was. It was actually better than I expected. Getting to talk to everyone after the formalities was nice. It made it feel more personal, more empowering." She explains. It's true, Lexi talked to every single survivor in the audience once she was done. I helped her off stage and over to her seat then left to do media with Adrianna and the other investors. When I came back, she was surrounded by other survivors, each of them sharing their story with her. My eyes may have gotten a little misty again. 

"I'm so proud of you." Kaylee says, reaching across the table to squeeze Lexi's arm. I reach for her hand underneath the booth and rub small circles over hand. 

"I'm proud of her too." I reply. Today couldn't have gone better. I'm excited to officially make the app live on the app stores tomorrow. 

Lexi blushes, attempting to take the attention off of herself. "Tell me about the wedding planning. Have you set a date?"

Kaylee and Noah share a smile, happiness bursting out of them. "Okay don't think we're crazy." she starts. 

Oh boy. 

"But, we're getting married next month!" she squeals, clapping her hands. Lexi looks startled as if this was news to her. It's definitely news to me.

"We don't want a long engagement and we want to enjoy the offseason together before spring training." Noah explains, helping his fiancé out. 

"It's only November." I point out. I'm happy for them really, but did I think Noah was going to get married before me? No. Should it be bothering me this much? Also no. But I can't help think about the diamond that's sitting in my nightstand drawer. 

"Wow." Lexi starts, fumbling through her words. "That's really great you guys." 

Kaylee flashes us her pageant girl smile. "Even better news, we want you both to be in the wedding! You know my sister will be maid-of-honor, but I can't imagine not having you and Gia stand next to me." 

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