CLXIV- Get Over Him

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The disco light hangs from the middle of the room. It's a giant ball in Ty's bar, I watched them hang it up two days ago. It took four men and a sturdy ladder. "For you." Layla says. I tear my eyes from the reflective ball and look at what she's handing me. "It's a Shirley Temple. The dirty kind." Layla insists with a wink.

I take it from her and drink it. It's just as sweet as the non alcoholic kind. I give her a thumbs up in approval. "Have you seen Ty?"

"I think I saw him in the back. He's getting the live band ready to perform." Layla pauses, "Hey are you feeling okay? You look a little pale."

I chuckle softly and nod, "Of course, I-" I sigh and point to the couches in the corner. Shawn, Jack, and Katie are there. He's been laughing over something his brother said. I can't hear from here, but he looks good.

Layla clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. This is a neon party, which means I can see her bright red lips form into a frown. "Look, I'm all for suppressing your emotions but you're dating my brother now. If Shawn's being here is bothering you, then go talk to him. Besides," Layla rubs the back of her neck for the dramatics, "The tension is wearing me out."

"You're right." I decide. "Thanks." I lift my glass up to drink but Layla takes it from me at the last second. "What the hell?"

"Sober." Layla enunciates.

I begin walking away from her, closer and closer to Shawn. People get in my way and it feels like the closer I get to him, the further away he seems. We haven't said a word to each other in months. We've been apart and so far that's worked. I can't help but wonder what will happen once we break that silence. "Livia." Katie notices as I stop in front of them. She's sitting on Jack's lap, with his arms wrapped around her torso.

I don't make eye contact with Shawn, not yet. "Hey."

"Hey, I'm glad you're here. We should dance." Katie stands up from Jack to get closer to me.

I nod, thankful for her getaway plan. I can't look at him, I can't do this. She loops her arm through mine and guides me away from the couch. Once there's distance between the two of us, I take a deep breath. "Layla told me to talk to Shawn."

Katie laughs as she turns to me, "Layla has bigger balls than any of us."

My friend grabs my hands and leads me to the dance floor. The only thing we can see are people's outfits, shining in different neon colors. Katie is wearing a bright yellow dress. "You don't think she has a point?" I ask as we begin to dance.

"Layla? Of course she does. But it's more complicated than going to talk to him." Especially when it's already been so long. "You need to be getting over him right now. And you are, you're with Ty now. You're happy."

How couldn't I be happy with Ty? He's been the perfect gentleman these past two weeks. He's taken me out on dates in public, he compliments me, and treats me like the most beautiful woman in the world. So again, how couldn't I be happy? "He's perfect." I agree with her, only I'm holding back. I think my definition of perfect is skewed from everyone elses.

"Good." Katie seems satisfied as we continue to dance. When the song is over, she begins tapping me in excitement. "Oh! I almost forgot! Jack wants to talk to you. It's about your internship. Hold on, let me get him." Before I can respond, she's lost in the crowd.

With none of my friends in sight, I head over to the bar. Dozens of people crowd the area in order to get their drinks before the band starts. I weave my way through and go to the back room.

There's a couch there so I lay on it and rest my eyes. The speakers are playing an indie remix of a song I don't know. When the door opens, I jolt up. "Oh, hey." I move over so Jack can have a seat besides me. He's wearing a white collar shirt and khakis. Jack almost looks like everybody else. "I heard that you've been looking for a summer internship."

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