CLXXIII- Marriage is What Keeps us Together

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"Is that your dress?" Ty asks, looking it over.

I nod, doing a little twirl to show off Jenny's design. "Isn't it perfect?"

His hands land on my waist as he pulls me in close. I want to relax under his touch but I can't. It's hard to let someone else in. It doesn't take a genius to figure out it's because of Shawn and my still apparent feelings for him. His fingers run over the fabric around my back. "Yeah, it is." He decides as he leans in to kiss me.

I take a step back, surprising him. "Sorry I-" I check the time on my phone, "I have to get to Jenny." I offer him an assuring smile and kiss him quickly before grabbing my things. "I'll see you in a few hours." He waves goodbye to me, not at all getting upset over my pulling away from him. Maybe he can't tell, or he does and doesn't care. Either way things are over when we land.

    I set Jenny's gift down on the table for presents, and my mom calls for me. "Livia! What took you so long?" Mom questions my whereabouts. She grabs my arm and rushes me to Jenny's room.

    I groan, "Traffic, sorry."

    She leads me through the venue and opens the door of the bride's room. Jenny is sitting in the chair, her white robe on and curlers in her hair. She looks at me through the vanity mirror she's sitting in front of. "Livia, thank God." Becca grabs my hand and pulls me inside the room.

    Mom leaves us to make sure the flowers are placed in their designated spots. "She's been great, your mom. I couldn't have pulled this wedding off without her." Jenny says in a grateful tone.

    "I get it, she's good at what she does." Getting her to help me with my wedding without taking it over will be a task all in itself. Then again, we have a while before we have to worry about that. "What can I do to help?"

Jenny points to her hair, "Can you roll up the hair in the back?"

I nod, standing behind her and reaching for her comb. I put up the rest of her hair as Bee begins to do her makeup. 

    She's absolutely stunning. I already knew she was the next top model, but It's more than makeup. She's radiating with happiness, feeling eager to spend the rest of her life with Jake. "Are you crying?" Jenny asks, both of them turning to me.

            "Sweetie, it's okay. Don't cry." Uncontrollable tears begin to pour down my face. Becca crosses the space to wipe them away.

              Afterwards her arms wrap around me in a hug. "I'm just so happy for you." I blubber. Jenny joins us in our hug, her dress swaying in the process. "No Jen, I don't want to ruin your makeup." I pull them away at arm's length.

              "Oh please." She waves me off.

               I take a step back, "I'm going to go clean myself up. When I come back I'll be ready to get my makeup done." Bee nods in agreement as I open the door and step out into the hallway.

               On my way to the bathroom, I turn a corner and run into someone, "Oh! Sorry." Both Hunter and I say in unison. "Hey, stranger." I had almost forgotten he was supposed to be here today. "It's a little early isn't it?" The wedding isn't for a couple more hours.

            Hunter smiles, "I wanted to get here early to see if Jake needed anything. I was on my way there now."

           I look behind him, trying to see if Seth is here with him. "Where's Seth?"

           "He's parking the car. Should be in any minute." Hunter stares at me for a while, I think it's because I've been crying. "Hey are you okay?" His words only confirm it.

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