CVIII- All in Good Time

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"He chews loudly." Hunter says, cringing. "Like, how can someone chew so freaking loud? It's like a lawn mower at six am."

I chuckle, "Trouble in paradise?" He looks to the side, seeing Katie walk up to us with our burgers and fries.

"No pickles for Livia, and extra for you. I've finally got a second, so how's it going?" She says, placing our plates down.

Hunter frowns, "I'm annoyed." He replies and shakes his head. "Sorry Katie, thanks for the food."

I look up at my roommate. "Don't worry about him, he's upset over how Seth chews." My tone is light but I can tell Hunter isn't taking it lightly.

Katie nods, "I guess the honeymoon is over." Another server calls her name, she groans for a second before turning back to us. "I'll leave you to it." She says with a wink before walking away.

I dip a fry in my side of ranch and look pointedly at my friend. "Hunter, honestly it's nothing to worry about. You two live together, go to the same school, and have the same friends. You're going to annoy each other after a while. Just spend some time apart and it'll be fine."

He sighs, "How come you and Shawn haven't annoyed each other?"

I finish swallowing my food so I can answer him. "Because we spent fifty percent of our relationship fighting and the other fifty making up. It's called balance."

"It's called unhealthy." Katie chimes in, I hadn't realized she walked back up to us. "I'm on break, scooch." I slide down in my booth so she can sit beside me. Katie steals one of my fries and pops it in her mouth.

I look between the two of them, "Shawn and I aren't unhealthy. We just have...special circumstances." Circumstances that just so happen to keep up apart most of the time.

Katie steals another fry, this time dipping it in Hunter's ketchup. He raises an eyebrow at her but doesn't say anything. She turns to look at me. "At least it's better than your last relationship."

I raise my glass of Pepsi in the air, "Amen to that." We laugh while I clink my glass with Hunter's and take a sip. After I set it down, I turn the attention back to Hunter. "Other than the ominous chewing, are you guys finally entering the actual relationship yet?"

He groans, his lip lifting up into a passive snarl. "Unfortunately, no. I don't know if he's scared or what but he even introduced me to his family as his," He lifts up his fingers to make air quotes. "Roommate." Hunter puts his hands down. "I mean come on, what are we in the 60's? It's ridiculous."

I'm too busy with a mouthful so Katie responds with, "Maybe he's still not sure."

"So I'm his experiment, even better." Hunter mumbles the last part.

By now, I've finished chewing and have room to talk, "Just talk to him. You're not new to this like he is. If it doesn't work then it just wasn't meant to be."

Both Hunter and Katie stare at me for what feels like a moment too long. Then Hunter bursts out laughing, slapping his hand on the table in the process. "You're a walking cliche, you know that?"

I shrug, fighting the smile creeping up on my lips. "Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes playfully and lean back in the booth.

Hunter's phone goes off, he maneuvers his hand through his back pocket to pull it out. When he sees the caller ID, he rolls his eyes. "Speak of the devil." Then he puts the phone to his ear. "Hey." Katie and I snicker to each other, amazed at my friends' annoyance at each other. "Yeah, I'll see you soon." He hangs up the phone. "Seth is on his way."

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