CIV- I'm Not The Same

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Waiting to hear back from my parents has been hard. Their silence is disturbing me more than before but I still plan on telling my friends today. This secret has been kept for way too long. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Shawn asks as I fix my hair in the mirror. My split ends are out of control and I wish I had taken the time to get a trim.

I look at my boyfriend through the mirror. He's wearing nothing but grey sweatpants and he's still glistening from the shower. "I'm sure. You dealt with my mother yesterday, it's my turn."

He takes a deep breath, his chest rises and falls in two swift movements. "I'll stay here and pack then. Just let me know if you need me to come pick you up." Shawn already planned on dropping me off to Jenny's apartment complex. I give up on my hair and turn to him.

I kiss his lips, "I will."

After that, he gets dressed and we begin our short drive to Jenny and Jake's apartment. I haven't seen them since I moved so I can't help but feel excited over it. Especially Noelle and her adorable little baby face. Before long we pull in and Shawn parks. "Last chance to turn around." He says with a small smile.

I look into his eyes, he seems just as nervous as I do. After what happened with my parents, maybe he is. I reach up and cup the side of his face. "I love you, Shawn."

The smile on his face widens as he says, "I love you, Livia. Now get in there before they come out and catch us." My hand falls back into my lap. I do as he says and get out of the car.

Shawn waits until I'm out of sight to drive away and I quickly find their apartment. I lift my hand to knock but the door swings open, revealing my gorgeous friend, Jenny. She opens her arms for me immediately, "Hi!" She exclaims as we hug. Her cotton candy perfume gives me unwarranted nostalgia.

"Hi, I missed you so much." I tell her as we pull away.

She gestures for me to come inside, and closes the door behind me. "Hey, Livia. Long time no see." Jake says as he comes up to give me a brief hug.

I laugh, "No kidding. It feels like it's been forever." New York is a whole new world compared to my hometown. I look around the apartment. There is a ton of baby stuff but no baby. "Where's Noelle?"

Jenny points down the hall, "Bee and Luke are playing with her in the nursery. Your more than welcomed to go say hi."

"Is Becca still mad at me?" I have no idea what she told Jenny, if anything. I'm not even sure if her and Luke have gotten back together.

Jake pretends not to pay attention to our conversation as he moves to sit on the couch with the Disney Channel on their TV. I'm grateful for the small amount of privacy. "She told me what happened between Mr. Morgan and his student, and that student and one of your professors. Also that you keep lying to her, which I can't help but agree with her on that one. I don't know if she's still mad at you but she's not exactly happy." I had asked Becca to keep the things I had told her about Shawn quiet but I've always known Jenny doesn't count.

"Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. Let me go talk to Becca." Jenny nods as I make my way down the hall and to my niece's nursery. Becca is laughing while Luke swings Noelle playfully. Noelle is laughing along, it's absolutely adorable. "Hey guys." I say, announcing my presence.

Luke stops, smiling at me. "Hey, Livia. Perfect timing, I was just about done playing. Kids wear me out, do you mind?" He offers Noelle to me, I gratefully take her in my arms. She's gotten so big in just a few short months. It almost feels unreal.

I take my eyes off of the baby to see Becca looking anywhere but at me. "Luke do you mind giving us a second?" Luke shoves his hands in his front pockets, nodding and leaving the room. I turn my attention back to my friend. "You two seemed to have worked things out." I mention, trying to make some small talk.

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