CLVI- Rage

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One Week And A Half Later...January 28th

I lay on my back in the doctor's office, only in my bra. "How has your pain medication been working?" My doctor asks as she examines my bruises.

"They've been fine." I lie, I haven't been taking them. At first I did, twice a day just like recommended. Then my bruises started to heal and it seemed pointless to.

Dr. Connor has me sit back up and put my shirt on. "Are you sexually active?"

I shake my head, "Not for a while."

"Okay, no problem." She writes my answer down on her clipboard with notes. "It seems like you're doing okay and your injuries are healing. The only thing you can do at his point is wait." The waiting is the worst part, but I doubt she truly gets it. "Well you should be good until your next refill, so we're all done here."

I nod and stand up to leave. Shawn is sitting in the lobby, with a magazine on his lap. He notices me and puts the magazine back. "How did it go?" Shawn asks as we walk out.

"Clean bill of health." I announce.

Shawn smiles, as if it's the best news he's heard all week. "Really? That's great!"

We make it to the car. I wait for him to unlock the door before getting inside and responding. "Yeah, maybe after I heal completely things will start to get better."

Shawn puts his seat belt on and begins to drive. He continues the conversation, "You don't think things have gotten better?"

I look out of the window, "Better since what happened, yes. Better in general, no."

"Fair enough." He decides. We're quiet for a moment, letting the radio fill the car. Then he says something that I don't expect. "I have an idea." Just like that, Shawn makes a different turn then he's supposed to.

I maneuver my seat belt and turn to him the best I can. "Where are we going?"

"Ty told me about this place he used to go to. I think you'll like it."

I'm confused, for a year and a half we've had to hide away from the crowd. Now, he wants to take me somewhere that Ty of all people mentioned. I have nothing against Ty, but them becoming friends is strange even for me. "What if someone sees us?"

Shawn shrugs, "I already put my two weeks in, who cares at this point." I turn back and nod because he's right. We are as close to free as we can get.

After some more light conversation and an extra fifteen minute drive-time, we pull into a small parking lot. "Where are we?"

Shawn smirks, sure that I'll love it. "Let's just go inside."

We get out of the car and make it inside, where a short man stands behind a small wooden desk. I look down at Shawn grabbing my hand and locking his fingers between mine. It feels nice, like he's comforting me. "Can I help you?" The man asks, looking pointedly at the two of us.

Shawn and I take a few steps to the desk. "Yes, can I have one room for her please."

"It'll cost you two tickets if you want to be in the same room." I have no idea what room they're talking about but I let him negotiate and pay.

"Come on." Shawn guides, gesturing for me to follow him. He leads me to a door with a table on it. Sitting on the table, is a place to put our belongings and two white jumpsuits that mechanics wear. "Put this on." He instructs, handing me one of the suits.

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