CIX- Unfollow

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"This test is worth forty percent of your grade." Shawn announces as he hands them out on everyone's test. "So I don't need to remind you guys how important it is to do your best." When he reaches my desk, his hand lingers for a little longer before moving on. He finishes handing the tests out and goes up to the front of the class. Shawn leans on the front of his desk, looking over his students. "As for this semester, I hope you all enjoyed this class as much as I did. I will be posting the grades of your final by the end of the day. Unless any of you plan on taking any other classes of mine, it's been a pleasure and happy holidays." Shawn looks at the clock behind him, hanging above the white board. "You have a full hour to complete your final, beginning now. Once you're finished you're free to leave. Good luck."

I look down at my test and begin, knowing it shouldn't take me long to get through it. The difference between me and everyone else in this class is, I know how Shawn's tests normally look. He keeps it simple and easy, if you know the information it's asking. There are no second guesses and even less hidden answers. I admire that about his test making.

It's hard to believe that after this class, I will no longer be his student. Unfortunately, he still works at the school I attend so the same rules apply. I remember my first day here, how happy I was to see him again. In those first few moments, I didn't care about consequences or the recurring predicament. I just saw him for who he was and still is, the love of my life.

Ugh, there I go, getting sappy. I swear I can't be left alone to my thoughts for more than a few minutes. I should be focusing on the test in front of me. The one I studied for profusely.

My eyes glance up to see Shawn watching me. I stare back, noticing that everyone else is paying attention to their final. If only they knew. I let out a short breath and pretend to be like everyone else. A college student, excited to be finished with my semester.

By the time I finish, there are only a few people left. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder as I bring my test to his desk. "Happy holidays, Ms. Gardner." Shawn says as he takes it from me.

"Happy holidays, Professor Morgan." I can't help but wink before leaving the classroom. This semester was full of a lot of self growth for the both of us. Anything is better compared to last year.

In a week, when Christmas comes along, he'll finally know the truth about Jack. Then there will be no more secrets, no more lies, between anyone. Maybe he'll even work with Jack like he wants. Then we could come out of hiding relatively unscathed. Our future together would really take off after that. I personally can't wait.

After a few more dreadful finals, I'm done for the day. I head back to Shawn's apartment. He most likely beat me there, considering his last class gets out before mine. When I walk in, I see that his office door is wide open. He's sitting in his office chair, with reading glasses on, and a concentrated look on his face. As soon as Shawn sees me, he pulls his chair out a bit so that I can come sit on his lap. I smile as I do so, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck and looking into his green eyes. "How did I do Professor Morgan?"

His eyes flicker to my lips, "Well why don't we find out?" He grabs the stack of tests for my period and goes through it until he finds my name. Shawn pulls it out for me to examine, "A 94%? That's only one point from a B."

He shrugs, "Plus there's a curve, you did have a B." I had almost forgotten about the tests being graded with a curve. Still, a B wouldn't have been half bad.

I hand him my test back, "Now let's hope I did that good in the rest of my classes. I would hate to fail my first semester."

Shawn moves a piece of hair behind my ear. "You work really hard to stay on top of your grades. I have no doubt you passed." My heart melts at his faith in me. No one believes in me the way he does.

"Well next semester should be a bit easier. I'm not interning again until fall classes." I still haven't picked a place to intern but it's on the list.

Before Shawn gets the chance to say anything else, I lean in and kiss him. He hums on my lips. "I promised my students I'd have their grades tonight." Shawn groans.

My fingers find their way through his hair. "I guess I better let you continue then." I begin to slide off of his lap.

Shawn grabs my wrist to pull me back, "Maybe just one more kiss?" I caress his face in my hands and lean in.

"Mwahhh." I say, giving him an overly dramatic kiss.

I run my finger across his bottom lip, "Has anyone ever told you how distracting you are?"

I get off of him, standing in front of him now. "No, but I can see how you might think so." I turn to his bookcases and look over to find a book I might like. As I begin my search, I hear Shawn typing on his computer, meaning he's gone back to work.

When I finally find a book, I move to sit on the couch by the window. It's snowing lightly, meaning it would be the perfect time for some Hot chocolate. I set my book down and kiss Shawn on the cheek, "I'm going to make some hot chocolate, do you want some?"

He doesn't say anything, just a quick nod in my direction. I walk out of his office and to the kitchen. I know I bought some Swiss Miss a while ago, I'm just not sure where it went. After a few minutes of searching the cabinets, I find it and pull out two packets for Shawn and I. While I wait for the milk to get hot, my phone dings. I pull it out of my pocket to see a notification from Instagram.

It's Dean, he sent me a message.

I stare at it, unsure of how to feel or why he would be trying to contact me. I look at the notification for so long that the milk begins to bubble over and I drop my phone to salvage the milk. "Shit!" I curse.

Once the hot chocolate situation is under control, I pick up my phone. I don't know how, but I convince myself to open his message.

Dean Cooper: How's New York?

I don't respond, I leave the app and shove my phone back into my pocket. He doesn't get to know how I'm doing.

"Is everything okay in here?" I jolt up, finding Shawn leaning against the counter. I didn't even hear him come in. "You look like you saw a ghost."

I force out a laugh. "No, because that would be crazy." Almost as crazy as checking up on your abusive ex. "Here," I pour the hot chocolate into his favorite mug and put extra marshmallows in his. "I'll be right behind you."

Shawn takes it with a smile, blowing on the hot drink as he walks away. I quickly pull out my phone and unfollow Dean. I don't need to be looking over my shoulder. Then, I grab my mug, and go into Shawn's office so that I can read my book.

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