LXXXIII- Charity Case

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Katie holds onto Jack's arm as we walk in. As I look around, fancy jewelry and Vera Wang reflect in my eyes. "This is not what I was expecting." I say out loud.

Jack touches the small of my back to guide me further into the club. The other guests watch us. "What's this a charity for again?" Katie asks.

"Orphans, I think. The twins that host this are right over there." He points to a man and a woman hanging all over each other, laughing in the group they're in. They seem close and young. "Their parents died in a plane crash. They became orphans and when they reached twenty-one, their inheritance kicked in. Now they own a multi-million dollar company and raise money for orphanages all over the world."

"That's terrible. I mean, not the raising money part but-you know what I mean."

Katie holds on a little tighter to Jack's arm. I suddenly wish Shawn was here with me. "Let me introduce you to them." Jack says and before I can tell him no, he uses his fingers to bekon them to us.

The most beautiful pair of twins begin walking up to us with big smiles. Meanwhile, I fight the urge to hide behind Jack like a scared child. It's not that I'm scared, they're just extremely intimidating and I haven't even said hello yet. The woman walks up to Jack first, grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him. Katie pulls her arm away from him and the male twin get's really close to me. "Hello, I'm Ty. Don't mind my sister she's a little-" He glances at her practically making out with Jack. "-Eccentric." Ty's honey colored eyes look me up and down, "What's your name?"

"I'm-um, Livia."

Ty lifts my hand to his mouth and presses his lips against it. "It's very nice to meet you, Livia."

His sister pulls away from Jack, wiping her mouth and looking at Katie. "I'm assuming you're his date?" Katie nods. "Don't worry, he's all yours now." She smiles a row of straight, perfect teeth. "I'm Layla, it's wonderful to meet you."

Jack laughs nervously, "That's just her way of saying hi." He explains to Katie.

"It really is," Ty cuts in before turning back to me. "Would you like to dance, Livia?" Without my response, he takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. "Relax, this is for charity." He says with a smile. I don't know if that means I'm his charity case but I can't help but go along with everything. His hands meet my hips as he makes them go up and down in a swaying motion. "There you go, you're not a bad dancer. Though I can't imagine it would be hard to dance in that dress."

"It's not the dress I'm worried about." I look down at my heels, "I'm terrible at wearing these."

Ty touches my face with the back of his fingers, sliding down in a sensual manner. I want to close my eyes and allow myself to feel his hand running down my body but it's not right. His fingers softly make their way down the side of my body and to my ankles. He gets down on one knee and looks up at me. His eyes are kind, they make me feel like he can see right into my soul. Ty's hand wraps around my shoe, he pulls it off of my foot and sets it down beside me. Then he continues to the next shoe, pulling that one off next. "Is that better?"

I don't know what to say, the amount of heat and tension happening scares me. "Yes." I tell him.

He smiles, standing back up. "Now you can dance with me." It's not a question but a fact. Ty grabs my hand and lifts it up in the air, while his other hand touches my waist and he spins me. My hair whips around my face but it's a freeing feeling. When he stops, my back is turned to him. I can feel his breath on my neck but he hasn't made a move. He's not going too far. "Tell me Livia, what brings you here tonight?"

Ty grabs my hips and we sway like that, I've tuned the music and the other people out. "Katie, she wanted me to come with her."

"For Jack Briers? Hmm." He hums in my ear, I stopped understanding what he's trying to get at. "He made a fine choice, bringing her here." Ty moves my hair off of my shoulder so his chin can rest there. "It's too bad it wasn't the right choice..." Does he mean that Jack should've chosen me?

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