XCV- An Old Friend and a New Affair

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The next day, I promise Bee a tour of the school. I was supposed to tutor today but she promises to be quiet. Other than that, We meet up for lunch at the cafeteria. It's not the normal time I go but I'm almost done with my classes for the day anyway. "This school is huge. I might have to apply here." She says as she picks at her apple. It's always been a weird tick of hers.

    I ignore it and respond to her. "What about Luke? Has he figured out what he wants to do yet?"

    Becca hesitates before eventually shrugging. "Not that I'm aware of." Her tone is almost sad. I want to comment on it and ask if she's okay. However something else catches her eye. "Holy shit." She says. "Is that Mr. Morgan?"

    I turn my head to see Shawn walking into the cafeteria. He doesn't notice us. I turn back to Bee, "Yeah...his new teaching job is here."

    She smiles in amusement. "How funny would it be if he was your teacher again?"

    I press my lips into a thin line and say, "Actually, he is."

    Her eyes jet out in shock. "Wait really?" Then she looks back at my teacher. "Hey Mr. Morgan!"

    His head snaps to the two of us but I slouch down as if it would make me invisible. Before I can stop her, she waves him over. Soon Shawn is at our table, looking down at the two of us. "Hey, Becca." My friend waves. "What brings you to New York?" He sounds so nice. Like the fact that we're broken up and I'm right here doesn't phase him at all. Maybe it doesn't.

    "I just thought I'd come visit my bestie here." She points to me.

    I force myself to smile in an attempt to look as cool as he does. "Hi, Mr. Morgan."

    "Livia." The way he says my name makes me want to scream. He hasn't talked to me since the breakup and I feel the need to cry. "Well, enjoy your visit. If you'll excuse me."

    "Bye, Mr. Morgan." Becca says as he walks off. Then she turns her attention to me. "I almost forgot how fine he is."

    She has no idea. "Yeah." I mumble.

    "Why haven't you tried to fuck him yet? He's sexy, you're out of high school, and you becoming his student again is like fate or something." Her words surprise me. I could come clean and tell her everything. I could tell her he was my first and quite possibly the love of my life. If I do, I need to talk to Shawn about it first. For that, there would have to be a relationship to tell her about.

    I settle for the obvious. "He's my teacher, Bee. That's it."

    Soon she lets it go and we move on. I go to my last class of the day and tell her I'll meet her for my interning. She hangs out in the library until then.

After a very boring class I head to the library, stopping when my phone rings. "Hey Jen, what's up?"

I haven't talked to them much since school started. "I was hoping you could tell me. Luke showed up without Becca. He's staying here but there's something off."

I shrug despite the fact that she can't see me. "She got here last night but now that you mention it, she hasn't talked much about Luke either."

"Will you talk to her?"

"I'm headed that way now." I confirm. 

We get off the phone at the same time I reach the library. Becca is sitting at the lounge area with a book in her hand.

    "I just got off of the phone with Jenny." Bee looks up at me questionably. I sit down beside her. "So do you want to tell me what's going on with you and Luke?"

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