CXVI- Flowers In The Dorm

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Last chapter until next weekend. Don't forget to comment and vote my lovelies!


My classes this semester are mainly more gen-eds. I'm taking a second English class, Intro to International Communications, and Sociology. It's only been a week since the next semester started but, so far I'm liking it. My first year in college is likely to be a breeze. My professors are even old and boring. It's a good thing considering the young, attractive ones tend to add drama into my life.

Not that Shawn is dramatic but well, we all know how things have gone between us in the past. I think that if I- "Oh no." I say, interrupting my thoughts and rushing to the bathroom. Shawn walks in behind me, rubbing my back while I throw up everything I've eaten in the last few hours.

"Are you okay?" He asks, to which I roll my eyes. It's not his fault, his questions just annoy me.

I flush the toilet and stand up to brush my teeth for the second time that morning. "I can't keep food down so not really, no." Unfortunately, the wonders of pregnancy aren't so wonderful.

Shawn looks at me solemnly, I know he wishes he could do something to help me. "Do you want me to come with you to your appointment tomorrow?"

I look at him through the mirror. He's excited for a baby, admittedly more than I am. Only I wasn't supposed to get pregnant for years to come. Long after things had blown over and we could come out to the world. Our future scares me because I feel as though I'm too young. I don't know the first thing about children or babies, I was an only child. Then I look at him, and how excited he gets talking about it. Shawn's eyes light up in the way that I hope my baby's will. "Yeah, if you can get off of work." Of course I want him with me. Doing this in secret is bad enough, doing it alone would be ten times worse.

Shawn puts his hands on my shoulder, massaging lightly. I close my eyes and allow myself to relax. "I have a meeting but I moved it up."

Nodding, I move out of the bathroom and sit on the bed. "Sorry it's just...I guess I'm still not used to this." I apologize.

Shawn stands in the doorway of the bathroom, looking at me lovingly. He's understanding and patient, it's everything I'm not. "It's okay I'm not either."

"You're not?"

He shakes his head. "Are you kidding? I've been through this before and it was terrifying. Mainly because I knew Katherine and I could never work. I'm scared something is going to go wrong." I never thought about how he ended things with Katherine. She lied to him, used drugs as an excuse to leave him. Even though it turned out different in the end, he had thought his child was gone.

I stand up and walk over to him. I intertwined my fingers with his own, "I'm scared too." I admit, letting him know we're in this together.

Shawn leans down and kisses my lips. I smile and take a step back, "We both have to get going or we'll be late." I have Inter Comm in forty minutes, with New York traffic.

"Fine." He groans. "It's not fun without you in one of my classes."

I laugh, "Seth is in one of your classes."

"You mean the same Seth that wanted to date you last year?"

He follows me out of the room and down stairs so I can get my shoes and coat on. "No, the Seth that's dating Hunter." I haven't checked up on them much but as far as I'm concerned they're still a thing.

Shawn chuckles as he zips up his coat. "Oh right. Do you plan on telling him about us?"

"Right now, it's not exactly on my list of priorities." Shawn opens the door for me,

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