LXXXIX- Bad Timing

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I knock on Shawn's office door. It creeps open enough for me to see him busy working. He stops though, once he sees me. "You know you're on break right? You don't have to be here."

"Neither do you." I walk in and take a seat on the other side of his desk. He just wanted to get a head start for next week so he came in today. "I have a surprise for you." I say with a smile. I've been thinking about what to get him for his birthday, until I finally figured it out. So I called Dianne and asked for a favor.

He leans back in his chair and looks at me curiously. I take two plane tickets on Dianne's plane and place them in front of Shawn. He picks them up and reads them. "Wait, really?"

It seemed so perfect in my head but I'm nervous he won't like it. "I figured you would want to see the house that's now completely yours." Plus, I know he misses Colorado even if he won't admit it. New York was traumatizing for him as a kid and whether he admits it or not, it's affecting him lately. He could use a break.

"Aren't you worried about someone seeing us?"

I shake my head, "I figure we'll be in your house most of the time just...enjoying ourselves."

Shawn's lips form into a devious smile. "This will be the best birthday ever." I stand up and walk over to him and lean in. "You're amazing, you know that?" I shake my head, leaning in closer to kiss him swiftly. He doesn't want a swift kiss though, so Shawn cups my face and holds me in place. He kisses me slowly but with intensity, it sends shivers down my spine. That feeling is addicting, and I hope it never fades.

We pull away but remain close.

The handle on his office door starts to move so I jump back as quickly as I can. Professor Sam walks in and immediately notices me. "Sorry, was I interrupting something?"

He looks over at Shawn, "Of course not, what can I do for you?"

Sam remains close to the door. "My printer jammed, I was hoping I could use yours." Shawn moves over so that Sam can connect his laptop to the printer. He finishes up and prints what he needs to within a few minutes. "Thanks, Morgan." Then he notices the plane tickets on Shawn's desk, "Oh, are you taking a trip?"

I grab them, "Those are mine, my friend and I are visiting home for fall break. I was just showing Mr. Morgan." Sam doesn't say anything but continues to stare at me.

I go to the door to leave but Sam grabs my wrist and turns me around. He stands less than a foot away from me, it startles me a bit. "You forgot your bag." I look down to see that my bag is in his hand, he lifts it up and places it on my shoulder for me. "Have a good break." He says to me.

"Thanks." I reply. My eyes flicker to Shawn, his eyes are glued to the two of us. Sam takes a step back from me, allowing me to exit the classroom as fast as I can.

I shouldn't be so freaked out over what just happened but I am. There's something about Sam that rubs me the wrong way but I can't place it. Anxiety creeps up on me slowly. I distrust Sam, that much is for certain. Still, I can't figure out why he freaks me out so much, or why the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he gets close to me. I shake my head, I might be thinking way too much into this.

I walk down the corridor and round the corner, the feeling of hands grip my shoulders and pull me back, I screech in surprise. "Katherine?" I question, looking into her big, gray eyes. She has me pushed against the concrete wall very uncomfortably. "What the hell?"

Katherine lifts her hands from my shoulders and up in mock surrender. "Sorry but you've been ignoring me." She folds her arms across her chest.

"You came to my dorm once when I wasn't home. I don't classify that as ignoring you." The thought of her slightly stalking Shawn last year comes to mind.

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