XCIV- Something Has to Give

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I stare at the ceiling for a while. Trying to think of ways to get Shawn back. Maybe I could call my parents and tell them about the secret affair I've been having with my teacher. Or my friends that are still in Colorado, tell them I cheated on Dean and make a horrible secret girlfriend.

    I roll my eyes, what I can't do is wallow in self-pity. I have class in twenty minutes. One of the downsides to dating your professor, is that after he ends things with you, you still have to take his class.

    "Make him jealous." Katie says.

    I look over to her sitting at her computer desk, bent over to tie her shoes. "What?" I question.

    Katie finishes off her shoes and shrugs, "The best way to know if a guy still loves you is to make him jealous. I saw it on a late night talk show once."

    I remember crying to her about how my boyfriend broke up with me last night. She comforted me then, today I guess she's going for advice. "I already know he still loves me."

    "Okay then dress like you have a hot date and show him what he lost."

    I look pointedly at her. "Did you also get that from one of your late night shows?"

    "No that one was all me." She stands up and puts her bag on her shoulder. "Look, you're in college and young. You could be having fun and showing this guy what he's missing instead of feeling sorry for yourself." I think about it and decide she has a good point. When Shawn is ready to talk to me again, I'll figure out a way to get him back. Until then, I should live a little. "I have to go but I'll see you after school and we'll go shopping."

I say goodbye and watch her leave. I only have fifteen minutes left so I go to my closet and try to find something a little different from what I would normally wear. Taking Katie's advice, I choose a long sleeve shirt that has a v-neck and shows off my cleavage. Then I pull out a black skirt that ends just above my knees. It's cold outside so I put on tights and grab a coat before leaving. As I walk to class, I let my hair down and adjust my natural curls. I make it in with the last few students.

Shawn is in front of the white board, writing down assignment dates. I take my coat off and pull my notebook out to copy him. "This is everything that's due until Thanksgiving. These dates are also posted on your-" He turns and looks at me. I watch as he fumbles over his words. "Um-your syllabus online." I look away from him. Katie was right, it did something to him but I don't feel any better about the situation. I don't need to make him jealous or look good enough for him to take me back. I already know our break up hurt him just as much as it hurt me. It's not fair for me to continue to play with his feelings. I reach down and grab my coat from my bag, putting it on and zipping it up, as well as putting my hair back up.

The next time he looks back over at me, his eyes still linger on me but he doesn't stutter or stammer. When class is over, I stand up and leave as quickly as I can. I look down at my feet while walking to the cafeteria. I have a little while before I have to go to Sam's class with Katie.

"Watch it." Someone says after I accidentally run into him. I look up and see that it's Leo, Katherine's friend. "Oh, hey Livia."

I force a small smile, "Hey Leo. Sorry about running into you."

He waves me off. "It's fine, really." He searches my eyes before asking, "Are you okay?"

My fake smile falters. "It's just been a rough couple of days."

Leo points to the cafeteria behind him. "Well I have an hour before my next class if you want to grab some lunch and talk?" Despite the fact that he's practically a stranger, I take him up on his nice offer. We walk over to the cafeteria in silence and don't talk until we get our food and sit down. He begins unwrapping his sandwich and says, "So let me guess, boy trouble?"

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