LXXXI- Turmoil

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It's been a few weeks since I've seen Jack Briers. Even Katie has told me that he hasn't been hanging around the diner like usual. That is until right now. Katie and I decided to go to the diner to see what we could get on the house. About ten minutes after we sat down, Jack Briers walked in. His suit is a dark blue, so much so that it almost looks black. He walks up to the counter and turns his head, noticing us. "I was hoping I would find you here." He says, now in front of us with his hands deep in his expensive, tailor-made pockets.

"You were?" Katie asks, smiling diligently at her one night stand.

He nods, "I have a fundraiser to go to, and I would like it if you accompanied me."

    "Like a date?" I blurt out.

    They both look at me. "Yes, like a date. Of course, you can come too if you like."

    The last thing I want to do is go to a fundraiser but if Katie would feel more comfortable with me there, then I'm in. "If Livia goes then I will." Katie tells him.

    "I-well, when is it?"

    Jack pulls out a small envelope and slides it over to me. "Here is the invitation with the information on it." I open it up and read it. "I'll pick you two up at six this Saturday."

    I show Katie the card. "This says it doesn't start until eight." She notices.

    He smirks, "It's a fundraiser filled with rich snobs, you two need to look the part."

    Katie and I look down at our cheap, worn clothes, before looking back up at each other. "Did he just call us poor? I think he just called us poor." Katie says amusedly.

    Jack's smirk turns into a half smile, "I'll see you then ladies." Then he walks out of the diner. I'm a little surprised that just happened.

    "So much for never seeing him again." I mumble, knowing she hears me.

    Katie stares at the invitation in her hand, as if it's the only proof that a rich man just asked her out. "Here's the thing though, if we go I can't go home with him. I don't want him to think he can buy me." She says at the same time our food arrives.

    I nod in agreement, "Deal." Only we both know she's going to do whatever she wants that night.

    When I get to Shawn's place, it's late. Katie and I stayed at the diner until close, catching up on homework. Not to mention, the extra work I put in for criminal justice. I lock the door behind me and walk upstairs to him. He's not in his room but the bathroom light is on with the door open just a crack. I knock lightly, "Shawn? Are you okay?" There's no answer but the shower is running. "I'm coming in." I tell him as I slowly open the door. Shawn is sitting on the floor in front of the tub, the shower running and him fully clothed. His knees are up to his chest, in a fetal like position. I get on my knees in front of him, grabbing onto his arms, "Shawn..."

    His green eyes bore into mine, "Sorry I, I couldn't sleep."

    "It's okay, did you want to take a shower?"

    He shakes his head, I've never seen him like this before. "When I was a kid, my uncle would turn the shower on high heat and have me sit in the bathroom. The steam calmed me down enough to go back to bed." What he says shocked me, he normally never talks about his childhood. All I know is he's had these nightmares since he was nine. "I figured it would work but it doesn't."

    My heart breaks for him, ever since he came back to New York, it's been bad. I move to sit beside him, bringing my knees up to my chest. "It might help if you got it off of your chest. You can tell me what's going on, I won't judge you." Whatever happened he was a child, it couldn't have been his fault.

    He turns his head to look at me, mere inches apart. "I-I can't." What was so bad that he can't even tell me?

    I put my hand on his face, "I'll still be here, I'm not going anywhere."

    "Did your dreams about Dean stop?"

    The last time he saw me have a bad dream about him, we were on our way back from New York. "After what Luke told me and I freaked out, yes. I just needed to get it out in the open. I needed to stop trying to forget it even happened." His head leans back against the curtain. I want to help him, but he wont talk about it. "Can you tell me anything?" Anything I can use to help him.

    Shawn hesitates and for a moment, I don't think he's going to tell me anything. Then he opens his mouth and says, "My dad died here, in New York. There was a fire and my mom and I got back just in time to watch the building go up in flames." That's the first time I've ever heard him call Dianne his mom.

    I know there's more to his story but it's enough. "You shouldn't have had to see that." I tell him, knowing that's most likely what he's been reliving in his dreams. That moment changed his life forever, his family changed, his mom changed. New York is probably a stressor for him, subconsciously at least.

    I move his knees down so that I can climb on top of him. My legs, now on either side of him, I lean down and wrap my arms around his neck. It's sort of an awkward hug but it's needed. He'd hold me if it was the other way around.

    Something I realize is that this is no longer my story or my life. This is his too, he dealt with my baggage and now it's my turn to help him through his. I just hope the emotional turmoil he's in can be helped.

    We stay in that position until the water turns cold and the steam vanishes. I stand up and turn the water off. Then I take his hand and pull him up. We walk out to the bedroom, the blanket is on the floor along with twisted sheets. I re-make the bed and change into one of Shawn's shirts. "Come on." I say, patting the spot next to me. Shawn takes his shirt off and crawls into bed next to me. I open my arms up so he can lay on my chest. I'm not used to the Shawn that needs someone else, but I'm glad he feels comfortable enough to let me.

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